Deaths, Hopkins County, Kentucky

Some names have numbers in them.
I assume they are typo's but I've left them as they were.
A "2" probably should be a "W"
A "1" probably should be either a "Q" or an "L".

Name                          Date        Age   Residence   Cert.


Mabrey, Jessie L             11/19/1971   087   Hopkins     30357

Mabry, Sallie E              02/06/1978   080   Hopkins     03120

Mackay, Sudie H              11/10/1968   074   Hopkins     27302

Mackenzie, Hattie            03/21/1974   077   Hopkins     05608

Mackey, Alberta M            03/11/1978   065   Hopkins     08908

Mackey, George H             01/29/1977   050   Hopkins     05498

Mackey, Jessie M             10/11/1972   059   Hopkins     25349

Mackey, Mary E               10/08/1965   079   Hopkins     22761

Mackey, Oliver T             05/29/1971   062   Union       14243

Mackey, Richard J            07/18/1967   064   Hopkins     18520

Maddox, Alva M               04/24/1971   067   Webster     11518

Maddox, Charles N            04/01/1976   066   Muhlenberg  11099

Maddox, Charles W            08/25/1967   078   Christian   20982

Maddox, Clyde P              07/29/1979   060   Hopkins     18480

Maddox, Gola F               10/21/1963   074   Tennessee   23786

Maddox, Helen                10/08/1964   081   Hopkins     22827

Maddox, Henry H              07/03/1974   077   Hopkins     19180

Maddox, Larry R              07/21/1971   019   Hopkins     17081

Maddox, Lemon                03/13/1969   068   Hopkins     05809

Maddox, Leona                09/16/1963   073   Hopkins     21517

Maddox, Lora                 10/18/1967   056   Hopkins     23697

Maddox, Nell B               01/27/1973   070   Hopkins     03130

Maddox, Robert D             04/17/1963   U/1   Hopkins     09586

Maddox, William E            01/01/1969   071   Hopkins     03082

Maddy, Clete                 08/25/1967   075   Hopkins     18488

Madill, David S              03/31/1977   070   Hopkins     08270

Madison, Basil R             09/15/1971   084   Hopkins     24980

Madison, Claudia L           03/08/1961   073   Hopkins     04994

Madison, Etta B              04/11/1974   088   Hopkins     08623

Madison, Gene D              09/25/1976   061   Hopkins     23732

Madison, Joseph C            12/01/1969   080   Hopkins     29765

Madison, Juliah H            10/17/1964   077   Hopkins     22830

Madison, Pearl C             09/30/1978   085   Hopkins     24644

Madison, Wanedti             09/02/1970   067   Hopkins     22000

Maduro, Bertha A             12/09/1969   075   Hopkins     29787

Magenheimer, Edward G        04/29/1964   060   Hopkins     10481

Magenheimer, Minnie T        08/27/1968   087   Hopkins     19199

Magenheimer, William C       02/08/1968   058   Hopkins     03310

Magill, Decima M             01/21/1963   053   Hopkins     00773

Mahaffey, Verna C            11/23/1979   071   Caldwell    29116

Mainard, Verna G             12/30/1977   075   Christian   32478

Major, Amelia                03/24/1963   058   Webster     06200

Major, Emma                  09/16/1972   087   Christian   22775

Major, Forest                10/02/1969   074   Christian   24498

Major, Pearl J               08/14/1960   074   Webster     17154

Major, Valcour D             04/01/1965   090   Hopkins     07929

Majors, Charlie              07/17/1971   074   Hopkins     17061

Majors, Dorris               11/10/1975   080   McLean      29557

Majors, Esthel M             06/05/1972   071   Hopkins     14629

Majors, Ethel C              05/07/1973   070   Webster     14590

Majors, Flossie M            05/21/1970   073   Webster     11788

Majors, George A             10/16/1968   097   Webster     24370

Majors, Lela M               07/31/1964   036   Hopkins     18024

Majors, Lonzo D              10/11/1970   094   Hopkins     24784

Majors, Samuel L             03/02/1973   084   Webster     06177

Majors, Virgie A             04/22/1965   086   Hopkins     07895

Maloney, Clarnce W           05/20/1966   069   Hopkins     10598

Maloney, Mary D              09/24/1974   077   Hopkins     24378

Mangum, Bessie L             03/06/1966   074   Hopkins     05255

Mangum, J C                  02/04/1972   071   Hopkins     03428

Mangum, Jessie M             01/11/1964   074   Hopkins     02925

Mangum, John H               07/22/1971   078   Hopkins     19680

Mangum, Luther A             09/05/1973   074   Hopkins     22934

Mangum, Uei F                10/31/1963   073   Hopkins     26352

Manion, Beatrce S            02/07/1968   061   Hopkins     03272

Manire, Belia L              12/16/1961   068   Hopkins     26586

Manlove, Pearle B            03/11/1968   087   Hopkins     06049

Mann, Joseph G               04/24/1971   053   Muhlenberg  08508

Manning, Estellyne           08/07/1978   074   Hopkins     19538

Manning, Hattie              10/29/1972   084   Hopkins     25359

Manos, Mary L                08/03/1970   048   Hopkins     19580

Mantin, Laura E              12/24/1972   099   Webster     32747

Manuel, Fannie M             06/25/1967   062   Hopkins     15887

Maple, Myrna L               05/20/1969   071   Hopkins     11494

Maraman, Byrdie A            07/25/1979   081   Webster     18472

Maraman, Mary J              02/21/1978   079   Webster     06049

Markham, Clarence J          08/27/1972   054   Hopkins     20102

Markham, Cordie F            02/09/1970   060   Hopkins     03401

Markham, Mable               06/05/1971   088   Hopkins     14239

Markham, Margaret M          10/27/1974   050   Union       29786

Marks, Amelia G              07/09/1965   082   Hopkins     15567

Marks, Clarnce               05/27/1970   065   Webster     11813

Marks, Clarnce C             01/04/1965   085   Hopkins     00756

Marks, Dave H                12/21/1962   076   Hopkins     29504

Marks, Dave H                12/21/1962   076   Hopkins     29504

Marks, Effie M               09/11/1966   068   Hopkins     21063

Marks, Fannie L              03/12/1965   084   Webster     05094

Marks, Henry W               11/18/1975   059   Hopkins     29559

Marks, Ida M                 05/07/1975   080   Hopkins     11565

Marks, James B               07/19/1964   065   Hopkins     18006

Marks, Jason M               12/22/1977   418   Hopkins     32476

Marks, Jasper J              12/30/1974   085   Webster     31985

Marks, John C                09/10/1971   089   Webster     22254

Marks, Lemuel                03/18/1972   062   Webster     06413

Marks, Lillie M              03/06/1960   075   Webster     05365

Marks, Margret E             04/04/1969   083   Webster     08524

Marks, Margrte G             09/18/1966   077   Webster     21039

Marks, Marie S               03/21/1974   071   Hopkins     05648

Marks, Marion L              04/10/1972   056   Hopkins     09384

Marks, Mary A                01/08/1967   092   Hopkins     00762

Marks, Nannie H              03/04/1962   079   Hopkins     08044

Marks, Ross W                07/11/1974   074   Webster     19179

Marks, William E             02/16/1968   040   Hopkins     03274

Marks, William J             11/14/1968   088   Hopkins     27301

Markwell, Birdie C           08/20/1972   078   Muhlenberg  20070

Markwell, Hubert L           12/20/1978   059   Muhlenberg  33035

Marquess, Bertha B           05/25/1960   080   Hopkins     12823

Marse, William O             09/06/1965   065   Webster     20162

Marsh, Archie O              03/25/1978   090   Hopkins     08909

Marsh, Pearl R               03/01/1972   078   Hopkins     06417

Marsh, Sarah L               05/01/1973   079   Webster     11702

Marsh, Weller W              04/13/1963   085   Hopkins     09596

Marshall, BUDD E             09/24/1973   044   Christian   22930

Marshall, KARR               09/12/1976   058   Hopkins     23749

Marshall, LEROY              12/13/1967   057   Hopkins     29041

Marshall, SAMUEL I           05/25/1971   096   Webster     17021

Martin, Amos L               06/02/1961   047   Henderson   12168

Martin, Anna L               07/31/1977   080   Webster     19385

Martin, Audine S             07/16/1969   046   Hopkins     16529

Martin, Autie                06/27/1979   090   Hopkins     16029

Martin, Beatrice             08/03/1975   074   Muhlenberg  19354

Martin, Bert                 08/01/1975   089   Webster     19353

Martin, Charlie A            04/27/1971   083   Hopkins     11491

Martin, Christie I           04/03/1974   079   Hopkins     08624

Martin, Cynthia R            08/11/1972   009   Muhlenberg  20084

Martin, Edna                 05/02/1974   087   Hopkins     11361

Martin, Edward               09/09/1971   088   Hopkins     30382

Martin, Effie R              09/27/1968   085   Hopkins     24357

Martin, Ella                 06/16/1962   081   Webster     13151

Martin, Ellis                05/27/1969   076   Webster     13980

Martin, Ernest D             06/07/1971   067   Webster     17032

Martin, Estella              04/17/1978   074   Hopkins     11580

Martin, Felix E              09/24/1960   069   MUHL        21975

Martin, Flora                02/24/1977   059   Hopkins     05472

Martin, George N             12/28/1976   087   Hopkins     30986

Martin, Grace F              03/06/1970   074   Webster     06253

Martin, Grady L              01/20/1964   070   Hopkins     00778

Martin, Harry W              03/16/1976   062   Caldwell    05273

Martin, Henry C              12/30/1965   079   Webster     29964

Martin, Henry J              04/03/1967   059   Hopkins     08162

Martin, Iola R               02/22/1968   079   Hopkins     03276

Martin, James W              08/22/1975   056   Muhlenberg  22010

Martin, Jeanne D             12/08/1962   U/1   Hopkins     27603

Martin, Joe W                01/24/1975   082   Hopkins     08896

Martin, John R               02/22/1979   065   Hopkins     02862

Martin, John R               04/04/1961   080   Hopkins     07478

Martin, John W               05/24/1966   093   Webster     13153

Martin, Joseph A             08/22/1971   091   Hopkins     19685

Martin, Laura E              12/24/1972   099   Webster     32747

Martin, Leroy S              02/18/1960   077   Hopkins     02916

Martin, Lillie G             05/05/1962   074   Webster     10646

Martin, Margaret A           04/10/1971   086   Hopkins     11488

Martin, Marie J              12/25/1972   064   Hopkins     32730

Martin, Marie J              12/25/1972   064   Hopkins     32730

Martin, Mary F               10/01/1967   047   McLean      23678

Martin, Mertie F             05/15/1963   081   Hopkins     14446

Martin, Milton J             06/05/1967   062   Hopkins     15925

Martin, Myrtle               02/21/1979   093   Hopkins     05435

Martin, Nancy P              10/30/1960   082   Hopkins     24312

Martin, Nanie B              11/04/1964   079   Hopkins     25264

Martin, Odell                04/21/1967   040   Hopkins     08149

Martin, Odie F               01/09/1977   071   Hopkins     00801

Martin, Rowena E             08/19/1962   077   Hopkins     17927

Martin, Ruth M               05/04/1968   064   Hopkins     11357

Martin, Scheryl D            01/20/1960   U/1   Hopkins     00623

Martin, Talbern E            03/01/1979   078   Hopkins     05445

Martin, Tony                 11/13/1966   U/1   Hopkins     31203

Martin, Treshia J            08/02/1977   030   Hopkins     19406

Martin, Verdie C             03/01/1970   080   Union       06235

Martin, W L                  01/22/1974   088   Hopkins     05618

Martin, Warren F             11/05/1963   034   Hopkins     26320

Martin, William F            08/14/1965   U/1   Hopkins     17849

Martin, William H            02/11/1974   087   Hopkins     05667

Martin, William M            04/01/1970   061   Webster     09036

Martin, William R            12/09/1965   073   Florida     27957

Martin, William S            08/05/1973   068   Hopkins     20106

Marye, Mary L                07/23/1965   062   Hopkins     15547

Mason, Ernest                12/13/1962   U/1   Hopkins     27621

Mason, Florence S            10/08/1972   068   Hopkins     25342

Mason, Gertie M              11/21/1962   059   Hopkins     27604

Mason, Gladys M              12/14/1978   066   Ohio        29915

Mason, Gracie M              09/21/1971   082   Hopkins     22246

Mason, Joe N                 06/04/1964   050   Hopkins     12855

Mason, John A                09/24/1961   017   Hopkins     19177

Mason, Reuben L              03/01/1972   067   Hopkins     06446

Mason, Shelby                05/24/1970   067   Henderson   11821

Mason, William L             07/15/1976   059   Hopkins     16161

Masoncup, Eliza A            04/08/1967   089   Hopkins     08142

Masoncup, Helen              09/15/1966   063   Hopkins     21073

Masoncup, Viola E            05/25/1971   071   Hopkins     11480

Masoncup, Weaver M           08/24/1961   070   Hopkins     16878

Massamore, James R           08/25/1971   071   Hopkins     22250

Massey, Billy W              05/26/1977   016   Hopkins     13832

Massey, Isaac                10/15/1965   065   Hopkins     22776

Massey, Lawrence A           07/18/1977   072   Hopkins     16633

Massey, Mary                 05/10/1970   086   Caldwell    11774

Massie, Susie                03/26/1970   073   Hopkins     09059

Masten, Anna G               04/12/1965   088   Hopkins     07896

Matchen, Anna M              10/10/1972   065   Hopkins     25361

Matchen, James E             02/01/1961   064   Hopkins     02767

Matchen, Lydia B             08/20/1965   049   Hopkins     17852

Matchen, Marion G            12/17/1961   044   Hopkins     26599

Matheney, Clarence           10/09/1960   066   Hopkins     21957

Matheney, Nina K             03/31/1975   055   Hopkins     08919

Matheny, Danny D             03/21/1962   U/1   Hopkins     05579

Matheny, John D              05/07/1969   U/1   Hopkins     11507

Matheny, Lizzie              12/19/1963   076   Hopkins     28789

Matheny, Rollie W            10/25/1969   065   Hopkins     27155

Matheny, Walter R            02/28/1979   096   Hopkins     05438

Matheny, William A           01/23/1962   062   Hopkins     00826

Mathes, Debra A              05/29/1966   004   Hopkins     13169

Mathews, James               07/15/1977   076   Webster     16610

Mathews, Mary A              04/29/1971   081   Hopkins     11499

Mathis, George G             12/15/1963   050   Illinois    28821

Mathis, Lorene M             12/15/1963   042   Illinois    28822

Matlock, Jerry W             05/23/1978   024   Hopkins     11617

Matney, Guy P                03/20/1974   063   Hopkins     05636

Matney, Winfred J            10/26/1979   049   Hopkins     26401

Matthews, Albert O           02/02/1978   088   Hopkins     03098

Matthews, Edgar              02/25/1971   052   McCracken   03221

Matthews, Flornce E          10/09/1967   085   Hopkins     23686

Matthews, John K             05/06/1971   094   Hopkins     11485

Matthews, Noble F            01/04/1976   079   Hopkins     00719

Mattingly, Marie W           07/30/1977   069   Hopkins     16637

Mattox, Clarence E           12/24/1978   084   Hopkins     29930

Maxfield, Isaac N            08/23/1966   069   Crittenden  21045

Maxie, John G                10/11/1971   054   Caldwell    24984

Maxwell, Bailey              12/27/1979   076   Hopkins     31226

Maxwell, Clarnce W           05/30/1964   056   Hopkins     12842

Maxwell, Clemmie             03/13/1965   060   Hopkins     05088

Maxwell, Mary K              01/07/1976   068   Hopkins     00724

Maxwell, Zada H              06/20/1971   085   Hopkins     14263

May, Joy A                   04/01/1964   065   Livingston  10477

May, Marcella                01/24/1961   100   Webster     00751

May, Pearl R                 01/27/1966   088   Casey       16015

May, Wilbert                 02/23/1978   057   McCracken   06051

May, William R               01/25/1960   085   Hopkins     02918

Mayes, Charlie B             09/12/1973   083   Hopkins     22907

Mayes, Charlie W             09/12/1961   065   Hopkins     19155

Mayes, Clifford              03/10/1971   060   Muhlenberg  05878

Mayes, Gilbert W             05/29/1977   080   Muhlenberg  13801

Mayes, James H               09/30/1977   075   Hopkins     27369

Mayes, Lura F                04/21/1969   080   Hopkins     08533

Mayes, Nellie                01/17/1968   059   Hopkins     00955

Mayes, Roxie L               06/03/1974   063   Hopkins     13869

Mayes, Walter J              12/25/1979   078   Hopkins     31235

Mayhugh, Bobby O             06/14/1974   304   Muhlenberg  13841

Maypray, Mikel E             08/17/1963   U/1   Hopkins     19241

Maypray, Walter L            08/18/1974   055   Hopkins     24376

Mays, Garth                  09/30/1968   065   Webster     24381

Meacham, Bess S              03/06/1975   089   Hopkins     06031

Meacham, John A              09/04/1965   078   Hopkins     20152

Meacham, Mayme L             09/22/1962   070   Hopkins     22731

Meadows, Enola A             12/07/1963   079   Hopkins     28802

Meadows, James C             08/03/1960   074   Hopkins     17160

Meadows, Tolly C             07/07/1971   077   Hopkins     17034

Meagle, Nancy E              05/11/1970   083   Webster     11781

Means, James L               02/08/1972   071   Webster     03440

Meazle, Omie                 11/03/1965   085   Webster     25417

Medlock, Mary M              10/28/1973   059   Hopkins     28352

Medlock, Nyda C              06/25/1977   092   Hopkins     16623

Meick, Fredrck C             09/02/1967   054   Daviess     20979

Melton, Archie D             04/25/1974   082   Hopkins     08612

Melton, Arthur M             02/26/1967   053   Hopkins     02878

Melton, Aubrey J             02/22/1973   079   Hopkins     06164

Melton, Barney D             04/09/1975   079   Hopkins     08869

Melton, Bessie L             10/22/1979   069   Hopkins     26360

Melton, Charlie R            06/15/1970   086   Webster     14293

Melton, David H              12/30/1966   075   Webster     30603

Melton, Dennis C             11/09/1973   023   Hopkins     28364

Melton, Dicy W               05/25/1974   083   Webster     13882

Melton, Elcie G              05/21/1976   070   Hopkins     11053

Melton, Estella C            01/06/1960   080   Hopkins     00622

Melton, Everett H            03/04/1970   053   Hopkins     06223

Melton, Flora                02/26/1974   077   Hopkins     05624

Melton, Hattie               03/25/1975   081   Webster     08916

Melton, Jenevee              02/06/1970   055   Hopkins     03404

Melton, Jessie M             08/05/1977   087   Webster     19386

Melton, John B               11/27/1971   091   Hopkins     30362

Melton, Justin S             08/27/1969   053   Hopkins     19323

Melton, Lafe                 12/24/1965   082   Hopkins     29966

Melton, Laura B              09/27/1966   079   Hopkins     23518

Melton, Letcher R            06/24/1970   068   Webster     16862

Melton, Linda E              01/28/1979   030   Hopkins     02835

Melton, Loretta G            08/19/1972   035   Hopkins     20087

Melton, Lula M               05/10/1962   073   Webster     10645

Melton, Margaret A           08/25/1972   083   Hopkins     22735

Melton, Martha E             12/19/1972   091   Hopkins     32763

Melton, Martha E             12/19/1972   091   Hopkins     32763

Melton, Oscar F              10/01/1978   077   Hopkins     27215

Melton, Peggy J              10/31/1969   025   Union       27189

Melton, Rebecca L            06/29/1969   093   Hopkins     16558

Melton, Sharon S             04/19/1965   024   Hopkins     07935

Melton, Stanley A            10/11/1974   070   Webster     24381

Melton, Thesdie M            11/21/1972   089   Hopkins     30620

Menser, Ada                  11/11/1976   086   Hopkins     28835

Menser, Cadaltr              09/25/1966   070   Hopkins     21044

Menser, Charles D            12/25/1977   402   Hopkins     30101

Menser, Dewey F              07/08/1973   074   Hopkins     17296

Menser, Dillmon D            06/10/1969   045   Hopkins     14002

Menser, Donnie               04/07/1977   038   Hopkins     10910

Menser, Ella                 04/26/1977   087   Hopkins     10936

Menser, Ellis O              11/10/1971   083   Hopkins     27673

Menser, Eva M                01/12/1968   063   Hopkins     00941

Menser, Georgie N            07/30/1969   059   Hopkins     19282

Menser, James D              08/22/1970   089   Hopkins     19582

Menser, James O              02/03/1964   056   Hopkins     02916

Menser, Josephine            10/19/1978   083   Hopkins     24663

Menser, Lois                 06/02/1977   067   Hopkins     13820

Menser, Mancha M             03/01/1971   082   Hopkins     05859

Menser, Mary B               06/06/1960   075   Hopkins     12811

Menser, Mertie               02/12/1971   084   Hopkins     03201

Menser, Minnie               08/08/1968   085   Hopkins     19205

Menser, Norman W             09/27/1977   059   Hopkins     24600

Menser, Pearl O              05/16/1967   080   Hopkins     10775

Menser, Richard L            04/24/1969   015   Hopkins     11499

Menser, Sandra B             04/22/1971   015   Caldwell    11504

Menser, Silas N              12/28/1968   085   Hopkins     29573

Menser, Trumon E             12/06/1974   050   Hopkins     29783

Menser, William L            03/19/1963   074   Hopkins     06240

Mercer, Eldon H              08/08/1976   059   Muhlenberg  18782

Mercer, Ezra D               03/15/1973   089   Hopkins     06112

Mercer, Fred                 04/05/1972   078   Michigan    09347

Mercer, James E              09/18/1976   072   Muhlenberg  23718

Mercer, Mary A               09/18/1976   072   Muhlenberg  23717

Mercer, Nora L               11/05/1968   083   Hopkins     27288

Mercer, Reynlds H            08/15/1965   073   Muhlenberg  20156

Merideth, Carl               11/20/1972   069   Hopkins     30635

Merkel, Elsa E               03/05/1979   083   Webster     05451

Merrell, Aubra B             08/30/1971   076   Hopkins     22247

Merrell, Bessie              01/01/1962   069   Hopkins     00847

Merrell, Chapman E           01/16/1967   064   Hopkins     00769

Merrell, Della M             12/04/1975   078   Hopkins     29572

Merrell, Erlin               03/05/1960   080   Hopkins     05394

Merrell, Ida L               01/09/1962   072   Hopkins     00846

Merrell, Lewis D             10/15/1968   076   Hopkins     24346

Merrell, Mossie L            05/05/1961   065   Hopkins     12174

Merrell, Sophia L            03/01/1973   001   Hopkins     06128

Merrick, Carrie A            12/16/1976   416   Caldwell    30926

Merrick, P g                 10/21/1979   071   Hopkins     26371

Merrill, Ira C               07/29/1965   066   Hopkins     15568

Merrill, James E             12/04/1976   076   Hopkins     30950

Merrill, Leisa A             02/05/1962   U/1   Hopkins     02924

Merrill, Michael A           08/27/1972   015   Hopkins     20108

Merrill, Roland R            06/30/1978   075   Hopkins     16836

Merritt, Mary                03/08/1965   068   Webster     05102

Merritt, Sidney              04/18/1979   078   Hopkins     08183

Merriweather, Alice B        08/10/1963   033   Hopkins     19266

Merriweather, Ethel          01/27/1976   059   Hopkins     02823

Messamore, Alma E            05/27/1976   082   Webster     13682

Messamore, Archie L          05/18/1972   040   Hopkins     12034

Messamore, Charlie M         05/06/1968   083   Hopkins     11340

Messamore, Della M           01/24/1977   079   Hopkins     00813

Messamore, Glendale O        05/03/1972   051   Webster     12025

Messamore, Halena            03/23/1970   082   Hopkins     06260

Messamore, Joseph P          02/26/1974   094   Hopkins     05652

Messamore, Leonard H         01/17/1975   076   Hopkins     00858

Messamore, Malbert D         08/15/1972   064   Hopkins     20103

Messamore, Mary A            09/23/1972   077   Hopkins     22728

Messamore, Nora              09/20/1966   078   Hopkins     21043

Messamore, Rose A            11/01/1976   088   Hopkins     28862

Messamore, Walter            03/10/1962   067   Hopkins     05561

Messimore, Maggie A          04/18/1975   083   Hopkins     08867

Messina, Joseph              10/28/1979   025   Hopkins     23833

Metcalfe, Nina E             04/23/1973   074   Hopkins     11712

Metherd, Stanley A           06/06/1974   055   Hopkins     13848

Metthews, Fanny B            05/02/1972   074   Webster     12039

Michael, Angela S            12/03/1978   003   Union       33036

Michael, George E            03/08/1974   049   Muhlenberg  05673

Middleton, Arva R            01/11/1968   076   Hopkins     00909

Middleton, Eurie F           03/10/1961   059   Muhlenberg  04982

Midkiff, Eunice D            11/20/1978   086   Ohio        29880

Miedreich, Charley J         12/16/1966   080   Webster     28745

Miklas, David E              05/01/1979   202   Hopkins     10627

Milam, Earl V                04/23/1962   052   Trigg       08026

Milam, George W              11/24/1977   062   Jefferson   27402

Miles, William H             02/26/1964   058   Caldwell    02907

Millard, George L            07/03/1977   065   Muhlenberg  19421

Millard, Goble               04/24/1964   053   Muhlenberg  07890

Millard, Oren W              02/05/1975   051   Hopkins     03135

Millard, Sam                 05/10/1975   068   Muhlenberg  11531

Millay, Leona M              08/06/1960   079   Daviess     17168

Miller, Alfred C             05/23/1962   064   Muhlenberg  13141

Miller, Alfred L             04/25/1972   087   Hopkins     12009

Miller, Alice                09/10/1966   084   McCracken   21065

Miller, Andrew               03/01/1972   077   Henderson   06439

Miller, Brilla H             12/08/1973   085   McLean      33373

Miller, Brucker              08/22/1972   077   Hopkins     20094

Miller, Bryan                11/25/1964   065   Webster     27711

Miller, Charles H            04/18/1977   078   Muhlenberg  10943

Miller, Charles L            11/12/1978   079   Muhlenberg  27221

Miller, David W              05/02/1975   073   Hopkins     11541

Miller, Elsie H              05/17/1965   083   Hopkins     10431

Miller, Elza                 11/04/1965   074   Hopkins     25405

Miller, Eugene G             05/05/1974   073   Muhlenberg  11367

Miller, Eurey                02/13/1978   075   Hopkins     03121

Miller, Eva M                03/09/1973   074   Hopkins     06171

Miller, Evelyn T             02/19/1963   035   Hopkins     03006

Miller, Francis E            03/12/1963   073   Hopkins     06223

Miller, Gregory L            06/21/1977   515   Hopkins     16596

Miller, Henry L              11/09/1969   076   Hopkins     27148

Miller, Herbert P            08/16/1974   076   Hopkins     24375

Miller, Iva C                01/24/1965   043   Hopkins     10444

Miller, James A              04/05/1973   072   Hopkins     08858

Miller, Jesse                06/14/1978   087   McLean      16844

Miller, Jessie I             07/18/1976   084   Hopkins     16164

Miller, John F               09/01/1967   078   McLean      20995

Miller, John R               07/19/1963   082   Hopkins     16811

Miller, Leona                07/23/1978   093   Hopkins     19525

Miller, Lillie B             02/26/1961   041   Hopkins     02795

Miller, Lillie E             03/07/1965   077   Hopkins     05076

Miller, Lottie B             02/10/1962   085   Hopkins     02940

Miller, Maggie L             03/28/1971   077   Hopkins     05853

Miller, Mark A               12/28/1962   U/1   Hopkins     27614

Miller, Mary E               05/28/1977   059   Logan       13822

Miller, Mary L               05/17/1972   073   Muhlenberg  12033

Miller, Mildred J            01/26/1961   044   Hopkins     00744

Miller, Mina                 04/11/1972   081   Hopkins     09360

Miller, Naomi A              04/10/1970   076   Hopkins     09060

Miller, Nellie M             07/12/1971   089   Hopkins     17040

Miller, Norman L             04/06/1979   031   Muhlenberg  08164

Miller, Ollie O              03/25/1960   088   Muhlenberg  05368

Miller, Protela              02/17/1970   080   Hopkins     03414

Miller, Raymond T            02/21/1962   056   Hopkins     02923

Miller, Ruby C               06/25/1962   067   Hopkins     15471

Miller, Sallie               02/10/1968   075   Webster     03296

Miller, Thomas E             10/21/1962   079   Hopkins     22738

Miller, Tom L                08/14/1975   080   Hopkins     19337

Miller, Vaccie K             10/04/1972   063   Hopkins     25358

Miller, Walter E             06/01/1979   082   McLean      13391

Miller, Wiley                04/26/1964   063   Hopkins     10491

Miller, Will H               11/07/1968   063   Hopkins     27299

Milligan, Alice M            12/08/1975   074   Union       29587

Millikan, Mildred I          12/05/1978   063   Hopkins     29886

Mills, Dally W               06/26/1970   078   Henderson   16839

Mills, Flossie M             05/19/1960   024   Christian   10465

Mills, George R              10/07/1963   057   Hopkins     23789

Mills, George W              02/16/1966   072   Henderson   02747

Mills, Laura B               07/26/1971   093   Union       17058

Mills, Mary P                03/28/1967   085   Hopkins     08118

Mills, Ora C                 04/29/1968   069   Hopkins     11363

Mills, Rollin D              03/04/1977   092   Hopkins     05463

Mills, Vera S                03/15/1963   077   Hopkins     06174

Milton, Mary L               09/28/1963   052   Caldwell    21521

Milton, Millerd              01/10/1961   075   Hopkins     00768

Milton, Oscar                02/14/1975   066   Hopkins     06002

Milum, Belinda K             09/01/1968   U/1   Hopkins     21735

Milum, Clarence P            04/24/1976   041   Hopkins     11115

Mimms, Gertude               01/28/1974   083   Hopkins     03007

Mimms, Jesse                 01/16/1972   091   Hopkins     00891

Mimms, Mose                  06/11/1964   072   Hopkins     12843

Mimms, Rosa                  08/11/1961   058   Hopkins     16875

Mimms, Ruby A                09/24/1970   089   Christian   22033

Mimms, Sam                   11/16/1962   085   Hopkins     29509

Mimms, Sam                   11/16/1962   085   Hopkins     29509

Minders, Ben                 06/13/1972   077   Hopkins     14679

Mingo, Lester A              10/16/1965   U/1   Florida     22782

Minor, James L               02/07/1965   038   Hopkins     02690

Minor, Mickle E              09/07/1961   U/1   Hopkins     19162

Minton, John T               08/21/1971   026   Hopkins     19705

Minton, Olan L               05/23/1973   070   McLean      14607

Minton, Weltha F             11/05/1971   047   Hopkins     27668

Mitchell, Ada                06/16/1977   085   McLean      16606

Mitchell, Amanda             01/11/1976   070   Webster     00722

Mitchell, Bertha             11/28/1964   083   Hopkins     27732

Mitchell, Cecil E            05/08/1977   078   Hopkins     10929

Mitchell, Charles E          09/25/1963   073   Hopkins     23799

Mitchell, Charles R          04/21/1972   026   Hopkins     09385

Mitchell, Clyde S            05/04/1975   081   Webster     16677

Mitchell, Edna E             09/29/1967   046   Hopkins     20975

Mitchell, Ellar E            05/22/1979   050   Hopkins     13368

Mitchell, Essel              09/23/1974   086   Webster     24380

Mitchell, Eythel D           12/28/1979   075   Hopkins     31238

Mitchell, Frank J            05/16/1968   079   Hopkins     11339

Mitchell, Fraudus            03/30/1969   087   Hopkins     05785

Mitchell, Gaby C             12/13/1969   073   Webster     29800

Mitchell, George M           11/04/1969   038   Webster     27141

Mitchell, Glennie            01/01/1968   083   Henderson   00903

Mitchell, Hayes              02/28/1963   088   Muhlenberg  06239

Mitchell, Herbert W          10/21/1979   069   Ohio        26368

Mitchell, Ila H              10/15/1966   079   Hopkins     26109

Mitchell, Jack E             01/14/1967   061   Crittenden  00772

Mitchell, James O            06/27/1966   059   Hopkins     13142

Mitchell, Joe A              12/03/1970   064   Webster     29988

Mitchell, Joe C              03/29/1971   068   Webster     05847

Mitchell, John E             09/29/1961   082   Hopkins     21514

Mitchell, John S             02/22/1968   063   Hopkins     03282

Mitchell, Laura J            08/17/1965   084   Webster     20161

Mitchell, Louetta            02/12/1975   075   Hopkins     05980

Mitchell, Lunsfrd            12/27/1963   071   Hopkins     30579

Mitchell, Marvin W           06/27/1967   075   Hopkins     15902

Mitchell, Mattie M           11/14/1968   076   Hopkins     27274

Mitchell, Maude W            07/07/1972   073   Hopkins     17456

Mitchell, Mayme L            05/07/1969   067   Webster     11512

Mitchell, Mollie             04/25/1966   073   Webster     08038

Mitchell, Myrtle O           09/07/1966   057   Hopkins     21075

Mitchell, Orville R          10/08/1960   076   Muhlenberg  21969

Mitchell, Prudie E           02/27/1978   075   Muhlenberg  06058

Mitchell, R D                08/31/1969   061   Hopkins     21819

Mitchell, Rosie              06/21/1964   073   Hopkins     12836

Mitchell, Ruby               09/23/1968   050   Hopkins     21712

Mitchell, Thomas J           08/11/1975   054   Washington  22045

Mitchell, Tillie L           03/31/1966   057   Hopkins     08032

Mitchell, Vera W             10/22/1969   079   Webster     27182

Mitchell, Viola              09/07/1969   048   Hopkins     21804

Mitchell, William E          03/05/1967   061   Hopkins     05333

Mitchell, Zilphia E          08/10/1969   086   McLean      19293

Mitchell, Zora E             07/30/1970   079   Webster     19573

Mock, Bessie P               10/30/1969   082   Hopkins     27149

Mock, Henry H                10/14/1960   073   Hopkins     21968

Moeck, Daisy K               09/27/1977   065   Webster     24637

Mohon, John A                03/05/1971   059   Muhlenberg  05871

Molin, Abrom                 12/24/1971   073   Webster     32468

Monarch, Kenneth L           02/02/1960   007   Hopkins     02895

Moneymaker, Charles E        12/15/1973   081   Webster     33342

Moneymaker, Mary E           01/07/1971   077   Webster     00912

Monk, Effie M                02/15/1971   075   Christian   03216

Monroe, Annie M              10/28/1969   082   Webster     27183

Montgomery, Curtis           01/04/1969   086   Webster     00900

Montgomery, Ella             07/29/1962   078   Webster     17932

Montgomery, Eva M            12/28/1967   071   Hopkins     30978

Montgomery, Johnnie F        04/07/1961   092   Webster     07503

Montgomery, Lloyd J          05/19/1976   077   Hopkins     11051

Montgomery, Willie G         10/08/1968   066   Webster     24350

Montgomery, Wilma I          03/23/1968   053   WASHINGTON  06094

Moody, Agnes M               01/14/1968   068   Webster     00944

Moody, Joe H                 12/29/1973   093   Hopkins     33393

Moody, Mannie L              01/14/1966   091   Hopkins     00758

Moody, Mary G                02/08/1974   085   Hopkins     02981

Moody, Roy P                 01/27/1969   074   Hopkins     03086

Moody, Sammie L              01/28/1974   026   Tennessee   03021

Moody, William R             04/16/1975   077   Hopkins     08933

Mooney, Blanche              01/20/1977   092   Webster     02898

Mooney, Mary R               02/19/1975   046   Webster     06038

Moore, Agnes A               04/16/1969   079   Hopkins     08527

Moore, Alberta O             09/29/1979   069   Webster     23823

Moore, Andrew J              11/24/1970   064   Hopkins     29964

Moore, Anna M                04/24/1975   056   Hopkins     08877

Moore, Annie M               08/10/1967   070   Webster     18521

Moore, Archie S              06/17/1972   049   Hopkins     14640

Moore, Ashley S              12/21/1972   080   Hopkins     32759

Moore, Ashley S              12/21/1972   080   Hopkins     32759

Moore, Bertha M              05/01/1976   066   Hopkins     11087

Moore, Bessie                06/03/1967   077   Hopkins     15914

Moore, Bessie A              10/17/1977   075   Hopkins     24579

Moore, Callie                05/11/1962   070   Hopkins     10628

Moore, Charles R             06/25/1974   078   Hopkins     16547

Moore, Charlie L             11/02/1963   086   Hopkins     26332

Moore, Chester L             02/02/1963   053   Hopkins     06238

Moore, Chrstpr S             10/15/1967   UNK               31829

Moore, Cornelia A            06/18/1962   091   Hopkins     13147

Moore, Daisy                 04/15/1960   075   Hopkins     14955

Moore, Diana J               10/15/1966   017   Hopkins     23541

Moore, Earl E                04/03/1967   049   Hopkins     08146

Moore, Effie                 06/23/1960   066   McCracken   12832

Moore, Eliza W               12/20/1963   069   Hopkins     28788

Moore, Elvie W               11/29/1968   048   Hopkins     27309

Moore, Emma L                11/17/1963   006   Jefferson   26322

Moore, Ernest T              08/06/1977   058   Hopkins     19394

Moore, Ethel J               10/24/1976   079   Hopkins     28824

Moore, Eugene                07/04/1974   078   Hopkins     16546

Moore, Flora J               06/03/1963   085   Hopkins     14456

Moore, Frances S             01/09/1973   087   Hopkins     00712

Moore, Gardinr H             03/21/1967   081   Hopkins     05326

Moore, Garnett M             08/27/1973   064   Hopkins     22937

Moore, Gary G                07/10/1965   U/1   Hopkins     15544

Moore, George F              06/19/1965   061   Hopkins     12882

Moore, George T              08/18/1976   049   Hopkins     21168

Moore, George T              12/19/1964   085   Hopkins     27729

Moore, George W              10/09/1960   077   Hopkins     21978

Moore, Gertrde E             05/18/1966   058   Hopkins     10583

Moore, Grace F               05/04/1974   073   Hopkins     11387

Moore, Grady E               08/16/1975   054   Hopkins     22038

Moore, Hazel L               03/18/1978   087   Hopkins     06016

Moore, Helen L               05/28/1969   044   Ohio        11525

Moore, Herbert C             06/19/1966   045   Hopkins     13159

Moore, Hershel               04/02/1973   067   Hopkins     08879

Moore, Hester                07/20/1976   072   Hopkins     16167

Moore, Imogene P             05/15/1965   082   Hopkins     10418

Moore, Ina D                 09/10/1970   076   Hopkins     22017

Moore, James A               11/30/1974   073   Hopkins     29784

Moore, James L               03/25/1963   058   Hopkins     09594

Moore, James M               08/24/1969   055   Hopkins     19324

Moore, James O               01/06/1969   071   Muhlenberg  00880

Moore, James W               09/07/1977   084   Hopkins     21935

Moore, Jamie E               02/21/1968   073   Hopkins     06089

Moore, Jennie E              06/12/1964   086   Hopkins     12849

Moore, Jewell D              08/11/1968   047   Hopkins     19227

Moore, Joe C                 12/06/1972   087   Hopkins     32714

Moore, Joe C                 12/06/1972   087   Hopkins     32714

Moore, John E                01/21/1974   065   Hopkins     03011

Moore, John J                06/24/1961   069   Hopkins     12185

Moore, John T                07/27/1970   092   Hopkins     19581

Moore, Kathern M             06/03/1975   048   Hopkins     14163

Moore, Lena C                02/13/1964   068   Hopkins     02890

Moore, Louise Y              02/24/1967   072   Hopkins     05357

Moore, Lucian                11/04/1967   070   Hopkins     26228

Moore, Lucile                12/09/1961   058   Hopkins     26584

Moore, Margaret D            12/06/1979   064   Hopkins     29120

Moore, Marion R              07/11/1964   042   Hopkins     15421

Moore, Mary E                10/18/1964   092   Hopkins     22831

Moore, Maymie L              10/13/1979   097   Hopkins     23831

Moore, Melber A              12/11/1978   066   Hopkins     29932

Moore, Michael H             05/14/1967   020   Hopkins     10765

Moore, Milton                01/22/1977   087   Hopkins     05496

Moore, Nick                  09/30/1977   096   Hopkins     24617

Moore, Nora L                01/01/1978   086   Webster     00728

Moore, Omer W                02/11/1973   078   Hopkins     06180

Moore, Paul H                02/21/1977   077   Hopkins     02921

Moore, Paul J                07/08/1974   041   Hopkins     19169

Moore, Rannie B              11/16/1975   073   Hopkins     29570

Moore, Richard A             03/20/1964   047   Hopkins     05448

Moore, Robert                10/02/1965   080   Hopkins     22760

Moore, Robert L              02/16/1964   054   Hopkins     02917

Moore, Rosa M                11/24/1979   070   Hopkins     29108

Moore, Stella P              02/10/1961   073               30187

Moore, Stella P              02/10/1961   073   Hopkins     30187

Moore, Verdie G              05/04/1966   068   Hopkins     10600

Moore, Vernon B              03/30/1961   067   Hopkins     07494

Moore, Wiley C               05/20/1979   072   Hopkins     13386

Moore, Willie E              05/23/1960   085   Hopkins     12819

Moorefield, Betty A          08/29/1979   041   Hopkins     21069

Moorefield, Emma N           06/11/1962   071   Hopkins     13134

Moran, Matt D                10/28/1976   071   Hopkins     28845

Morehead, Clarence G         11/05/1960   070   Daviess     24307

Morehead, Georgia S          04/12/1972   087   Hopkins     12043

Morehead, James E            02/05/1969   075   McLean      08526

Morehead, Maggie E           03/19/1960   083   Hopkins     05389

Morfoot, Laura A             03/27/1970   067   Hopkins     06238

Morgan, Robert  Jr           01/17/1960   036   Hopkins     00625

Morgan, Annie L              01/09/1960   080   Hopkins     00626

Morgan, Archie               04/20/1976   061   Hopkins     11091

Morgan, Aubrey T             02/03/1975   067   Hopkins     03147

Morgan, Benjamin S           07/27/1977   079   Union       16635

Morgan, Charlie              12/23/1967   087   Hopkins     29090

Morgan, Edward J             11/09/1960   078   Hopkins     24301

Morgan, Elgie                05/06/1965   074   Hopkins     10458

Morgan, Emmitt M             08/22/1967   081   Hopkins     18505

Morgan, Evelyn L             06/11/1975   063   Hopkins     14164

Morgan, Florence K           01/06/1974   074   Webster     00763

Morgan, Frank N              07/29/1972   076   Hopkins     22777

Morgan, Grace M              09/21/1966   081   Hopkins     21059

Morgan, Hazel L              12/23/1972   065   Hopkins     32760

Morgan, Hazel L              12/23/1972   065   Hopkins     32760

Morgan, Hershel              12/09/1974   061   Hopkins     29785

Morgan, James R              01/06/1962   062   Hopkins     00820

Morgan, Jessie M             10/28/1970   082   Hopkins     24793

Morgan, John D               06/02/1979   048   Hopkins     13363

Morgan, John H               06/04/1971   091   Hopkins     14268

Morgan, Lunis                05/08/1978   068   Hopkins     11593

Morgan, Mack D               06/08/1976   082   Hopkins     13687

Morgan, Mamie D              09/19/1971   085   Hopkins     24986

Morgan, Mary L               04/21/1973   086   Hopkins     08848

Morgan, Mary L               09/16/1973   039   Hopkins     25634

Morgan, Melissa E            10/14/1978   093   Hopkins     24661

Morgan, Minnie F             12/17/1971   078   Hopkins     32463

Morgan, Okie E               07/27/1966   064   Hopkins     18693

Morgan, Owen E               10/24/1978   067   Hopkins     29902

Morgan, Percy L              03/07/1979   078   Hopkins     05446

Morgan, Ray I                06/15/1976   085   Hopkins     13676

Morgan, Ruth E               12/30/1963   069   Hopkins     28794

Morgan, Uel S                07/05/1976   084   Hopkins     16191

Morgan, Venson P             12/09/1968   059   Hopkins     29562

Morgan, Verdie W             02/25/1975   076   Hopkins     05984

Morgan, William D            10/16/1977   052   Hopkins     24610

Morphett, Frances L          11/16/1969   090   Henderson   27150

Morphew, Effie L             08/22/1975   079   Hopkins     24552

Morphew, Fred D              10/02/1970   072   Hopkins     24785

Morphew, Hattie M            11/09/1976   077   Hopkins     28855

Morris, Anna M               08/29/1975   051   Hopkins     22027

Morris, Bazil B              02/23/1970   072   Hopkins     03398

Morris, Bessie               02/11/1976   093   Hopkins     02824

Morris, Burna M              06/04/1969   069   Union       13971

Morris, Cathnen              12/26/1963   085   Logan       30582

Morris, Charles A            01/13/1967   051   Hopkins     00785

Morris, Charles A            04/18/1975   079   Hopkins     08935

Morris, Dora                 03/26/1971   076   Hopkins     08470

Morris, Effie A              01/21/1970   058   Hopkins     00908

Morris, Everett W            01/08/1975   070   Hopkins     00849

Morris, Julia F              02/26/1973   094   Hopkins     06181

Morris, Lee A                09/26/1977   085   Hopkins     24625

Morris, Leonard W            05/09/1978   058   Hopkins     11589

Morris, Leotis M             10/02/1979   075   Hopkins     23815

Morris, Lunda                03/01/1970   086   Hopkins     06240

Morris, Mary E               10/13/1968   088   Hopkins     24356

Morris, Mary I               12/16/1978   075   Hopkins     29928

Morris, Mary K               10/13/1971   084   Hopkins     24967

Morris, Melie                07/25/1966   080   Hopkins     18694

Morris, Roscoe               03/28/1962   056   Muhlenberg  05583

Morris, Walter A             09/19/1970   068   Hopkins     22009

Morris, Walter O             09/08/1964   090   Hopkins     20381

Morris, Wilbur R             04/10/1970   061   Muhlenberg  09046

Morris, Withona              03/13/1966   U/1   Hopkins     05289

Morris, Zadie M              05/05/1973   057   Hopkins     11698

Morrow, Ada                  10/28/1960   082   Hopkins     29538

Morrow, Agnes M              01/28/1965   064   Webster     02675

Morrow, Amanda C             11/30/1961   075   Hopkins     26595

Morrow, Chester L            07/07/1975   067   Hopkins     16678

Morrow, Clint L              05/10/1978   075   Hopkins     11615

Morrow, Douglas              12/05/1963   061   Hopkins     28816

Morrow, Emma G               12/09/1964   086   Hopkins     27713

Morrow, General L            10/17/1964   073   Hopkins     25278

Morrow, George L             01/27/1975   074   Hopkins     03159

Morrow, Gladis               09/26/1969   069   Hopkins     24453

Morrow, Harry                07/11/1971   091   Hopkins     17059

Morrow, Henry H              09/18/1971   069   Hopkins     22277

Morrow, James D              08/11/1978   093   Hopkins     19532

Morrow, Jessie               02/19/1969   068   Hopkins     03094

Morrow, Jim                  03/15/1960   057               05380

Morrow, Laura L              08/27/1971   087   Hopkins     22248

Morrow, Lena                 02/12/1961   U/1   Hopkins     04962

Morrow, Lonnie J             12/11/1965   085   Hopkins     29959

Morrow, Nora S               03/13/1973   088   Hopkins     08875

Morrow, Onie                 01/12/1964   081   Webster     00807

Morrow, Oscar D              07/09/1972   067   Hopkins     17429

Morrow, Queen E              05/31/1963   081   Hopkins     14439

Morrow, Ruby M               07/12/1971   088   Hopkins     17027

Morrow, Sallie W             08/23/1977   078   Webster     24624

Morrow, Sherman              01/20/1962   092   Hopkins     00850

Morrow, Will                 11/05/1960   096   Hopkins     24295

Morse, Bessie T              05/18/1960   062   Hopkins     10453

Morse, Cendy S               08/06/1964   048   Webster     18001

Morse, Charles A             03/10/1972   082   Hopkins     06430

Morse, Herbert               03/06/1976   051   Michigan    05316

Morse, Mary A                06/01/1970   058   Webster     14296

Morse, Ronnie L              04/22/1977   038   Webster     10940

Morse, Scott M               04/16/1966   055   Hopkins     08029

Morse, William A             09/29/1972   056   Webster     22755

Morse, William G             03/28/1966   090   Webster     08037

Morse, William J             06/13/1974   068   Webster     16540

Morse, William L             10/17/1961   083   Hopkins     21525

Morton, Dorothy              03/09/1961   051   Hopkins     04975

Morton, Elizabeth            07/10/1977   084   Hopkins     16652

Morton, John H               01/08/1974   091   Hopkins     00749

Morton, Lovie V              11/19/1969   085   Muhlenberg  27154

Morton, Lulu K               04/25/1976   086   Hopkins     11092

Morton, Mabel T              10/08/1965   077   Hopkins     22741

Morton, Margaret             11/10/1978   074   Hopkins     29908

Morton, Mary M               11/05/1973   078   Hopkins     28333

Morton, Mcgary               02/19/1961   072   Hopkins     02791

Morton, Ruby E               08/08/1968   083   Hopkins     19216

Morton, Vergie P             10/19/1978   079   Hopkins     27208

Morton, Walter D             11/14/1968   089   Hopkins     27287

Mosby, Lillie G              11/01/1967   078   Webster     26254

Mosier, Robert E             10/25/1975   079   Webster     27125

Mosley, Geneva L             09/05/1963   052   Hopkins     21518

Mosley, Helen E              03/06/1978   047   Hopkins     06019

Mosley, Katie B              08/25/1967   084   Hopkins     29073

Mosley, Nellie               06/08/1969   079   Hopkins     13984

Moss, Howard                 10/27/1969   068   Hopkins     27178

Moss, Lee                    05/04/1972   084   Webster     12028

Moss, Mary G                 03/04/1961   084   Hopkins     04966

Moss, Odie B                 04/08/1966   061   Webster     08036

Moss, Susie L                12/11/1965   077   Hopkins     27955

Moss, Thomas                 06/26/1972   072   Christian   14657

Moss, Will                   11/20/1960   071   Hopkins     24302

Moss, William R              12/12/1962   088   Webster     27581

Moss, Willie                 08/23/1971   071   Hopkins     19706

Most, Cora                   04/01/1970   079   Michigan    09047

Mothersbaugh, Roland H       04/14/1971   040   Hopkins     08498

Mounts, Flossie V            12/06/1979   083   Webster     29130

Mounts, Mary F               02/02/1971   093   Hopkins     03195

Mowrey, Norine M             05/07/1979   073   Tennessee   10637

Mudd, Daniel                 12/21/1971   094   Hopkins     32464

Mudd, J D                    03/10/1975   065   Hopkins     08908

Mudd, Mallie L               05/21/1967   086   Hopkins     13403

Muffett, Kate I              05/10/1969   072   Hopkins     11501

Muir, Iva L                  01/24/1975   070   Webster     03164

Muir, William T              04/22/1979   070   Hopkins     08181

Mullen, Ella                 07/29/1965   070   Hopkins     15533

Mullen, James W              05/09/1963   069   Hopkins     12091

Mullennix, Allie M           09/15/1975   060   Hopkins     24550

Mullennix, Herbert N         06/07/1968   053   Hopkins     13926

Mullennix, Homer J           11/21/1968   074   Hopkins     27275

Mullennix, William D         01/13/1965   089   Hopkins     00757

Mullins, Archie              02/20/1972   076   Hopkins     03446

Mullins, Edgan N             10/10/1975   076   Hopkins     24570

Mullins, Edith               09/07/1974   080   Hopkins     24377

Mullins, Eva M               05/05/1974   067   Muhlenberg  13855

Mullins, Finis 2             05/15/1964   U/1   Hopkins     10479

Mullins, Finis E             12/04/1978   020   Hopkins     29895

Mullins, Lula M              02/29/1968   074   Hopkins     06074

Mullins, Monroe C            12/13/1966   071   Hopkins     28724

Mullins, Omerdell R          06/22/1974   082   Hopkins     13853

Mulvaney, Agnes E            09/19/1970   083   Hopkins     24815

Mumford, Carrie              05/21/1973   059   Christian   14629

Mumford, Cozie C             06/27/1966   067   Hopkins     16020

Muncaster, Sallie W          01/17/1965   092   Hopkins     02676

Munford, Andrew A            03/29/1967   070   Hopkins     05329

Mungle, James R              08/24/1963   066   McCracken   19236

Murfin, Bertha               07/01/1962   073   Christian   15466

Murphy, Robert L Jr          04/02/1961   041   Hopkins     07486

Murphy, Mary R               11/14/1963   070   Hopkins     26325

Murphy, Myrtle M             09/11/1971   041   Hopkins     22267

Murphy, Samuel               04/06/1965   069   Hopkins     07925

Murphy, William              10/20/1968   080   Hopkins     24396

Murphy, Willie A             04/10/1974   051   Hopkins     08637

Murphy, Zibie B              06/26/1971   087   Hopkins     14244

Murrah, Ettie J              01/20/1971   079   Hopkins     00925

Murray, James                08/07/1965   079   Hopkins     17835

Murray, Katherine            10/28/1977   064   Hopkins     27366

Murray, Richard A            03/29/1976   019   Christian   08163

Musgrove, Thurman H          05/19/1969   040   Hopkins     11492

Myers, Arah A                12/21/1969   078   Muhlenberg  31681

Myers, Benjamn J             03/19/1966   068   Hopkins     05254

Myers, Clebie E              06/11/1976   075   Hopkins     13700

Myers, Cynthia A             05/30/1974   021   Michigan    13890

Myers, Herbert H             04/12/1965   073   Hopkins     07893

Myers, Rosemond M            10/16/1961   062   Hopkins     21531

Myers, William H             04/01/1975   062   Webster     11530

Myhand, Brady                05/10/1973   062   Christian   14601