Families of Hopkins County


This section replaces the old surname page. The plan is to make a page for each surname and include Hopkins County information for that surname... one stop shopping so to speak. How well this works depends on you. Are you willing to share your information? Have you abstracted all of the listings for your surname from one or all of the censuses? Do you have it online? Send me the URL... or send me the file to include on the county site. How about marriages? The marriages for 1807-1868 are online and searchable but what about the marriages after 1868? Do you have your gedcom file online? Do you have a homepage? Send me the URLs.

If you are not listed on a page and want to be, send me which surname to add you to. Do you know of other websites with Hopkins County information? Send me the URL.

OK... I've given you the idea and the forum . . . let's see if you run with it. <g>

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