Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. JOHN H. BURRISS, Butler County, was born January 7, 1822, on the place where he now resides. He is a son of John and Betsey (Sutton) Burriss, the former a native of North Carolina, who removed to Tennessee, when a young man, bringing his earthly [possessions] all on a packhorse. He was in many Indian skirmishes; was in the battle of Nickajack; was also a soldier in the war of 1812; was married to Betsey Sutton, a daughter of Jacob and Nancy (Know) Sutton, of this county, by whom he had ten children, as follows: William, Nancy (Oden), Sally (Potts), Polly (Hutchison), Ann, Elizabeth, Jane, John H., James and Melinda (Ennis). Mr. Burriss lives with three sisters on the homestead; he is a carpenter and farmer, and ownes [sic] 130 acres of land. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Burriss Sutton Know Oden Potts Hutchison Ennis = NC TN