Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. FLEMING J. CLARK was born in Butler County, Ky., January 15, 1836, and is a son of Isaac and Eliza (James) Clark, the former of whom was a native of Virginia, and the latter a native of Ohio County, Ky; they were of English and Scotch descent respectively. When only a lad, Isaac Clark came with his parents to Butler County, where his early education was received and where he was married. The family settled on the Green River, about six miles below Cromwell. In early life Isaac learned the shoe-making trade, which he continued to follow, in connection with farming, until his death, which occurred in the fall of 1842. He and wife were members of the Baptist church. Fleming J. Clark received a fair common school education in youth. His father died when he was only six years old, but he remained at home with his mother and step-father until he attained his majority, after which he was employed as a laborer on a farm for nearly a year. He then bought a partially improved farm in Ohio County, where he remained about eighteen months, when he sold out, and rented for one year in Ohio County. After that he bought wild land on Sixe's Creek, in Butler County, and subsequently improved a farm, upon which he resided until 1871; he then bought a partially improved farm of 220 acres (a part of which he has since sold), upon which he now resides; the farm is in a fair state of cultivation. August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Tewelfth Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry (Federal service), and served with that regiment in all its marches and engagements until May, 1863, when he was sent to the hospital at Louisville, where he remained until the following October, when he was transferred to the Invalid Corps, with which he served until the close of the war, being mustered out at Chicago, July 1, 165. He was married November 11, 1857, to Elizabeth Warren, a native of Garrard County, Ky.; born March 28, 1837. Three sons and five daughters have blessed their union, all of whom are living, as follows: Fines W., Rosana, Nancy E., John R., Bruneta, Amanda, Ada and Thomas P. Mr. Clark and wife are members of the Christian Church, in which he has been a ruling elder for several years. In politics he was formerly a Republican, but is at present acting with the National Greenback party. Clark James Warren = VA Ohio-KY Garrard-KY