Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. J. WESLEY GOODMAN, superintendent of the poor farm, was born in Rochester District, Butler County, December 9, 1839, and reared on a farm. At the age of twenty-one he commenced farming, with nothing but his brave heart and willing hands. January 2, 1861, he married Martha N., the eldest daughter of William H. Simmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman are the parents of five children: Eliza Jane, wife of Alexander Hale; Lilly Belle, wife of Leroy Day; A. Lincoln; Mollie; Benjamin Butler. Mr. Goodman took charge of the poor-house farm in December, 1884. This farm is situated on the Morgantown and Russellville high road, near the former town. Mr. Goodman has never missed to [sic] vote at the elections, and always with the Republican party. He has several times held important offices in the county of Butler, among them constable two terms and deputy sheriff two terms. This position he still holds. Mr. Goodman is the eldest of six children living. Elijah entered the Union army, Twenty-third Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and died in 1865, in the Zollicoffer hospital, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Goodman's father was the first and only man in his voting district that voted for A. Lincoln in the first campaign. Goodman Simmonds Hale Day = none