Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. HON. B. L. D. GUFFY, attorney and counsellor at law and county judge, Morgantown, Butler County, was born in Muhlenburgh [sic] County, Ky., December 24, 1832, and in his infancy his parents, James and Malinda (Jamison) Guffy, removed to Logan County, where our subject received a good common school education, and subsequently attended the Glasgow College, then under the principalship of Prof. D. C. Nutting. In the fall of 1854 he removed to Butler County, where he taught a district school, and commenced the study of law. He settled in Morgantown in 1857. His practice at first being insufficient, he often worked as a day laborer at 60 cents a day, boarding himself. In 1856 he studied law with J. J. Harrison, of Hartford, and in the autumn of the same year he was admitted to the bar. May 28, 1857, he was married to Miss M. A. Munroe, of Ohio County, by whom he has nine children: Estil D. Guffy (an attorney at law, Hartford, Ky.), Luella (wife of John M. Carson, Morgantown), Olive, Speed, Stella, Cora, Bayless L., Mabel Clare and Lilly Dale. Judge Guffy first received the appointment of deputy assessor, subsequently filled the office of police judge for the town of Morgantown, and later, in 1860, became assistant marshall, and took the census. In 1862 he was elected judge for the county of Butler, which office he held continuously for eight years, and was again elected in 1878 and 1882. The last two times he was elected on the Greenback ticket, and is probably now the only county judge in office elected by this party in Kentucky. His father was a gentleman of liberal education, and followed farming as an occupation, and school teaching, and died in 1862. His mother was Malinda Jamison, who died in 1857. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the judge was the youngest. His eldest sister was the wife of Lieut.-Gov. Hardy; a brother, Rev. C. F. Guffy, is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and resides in Butler County; another brother, James H., is a prosperous farmer of Butler County; a third brother, F. C., died in the Federal Army in 1862, at Tuscumbia, Ala. His grandfather was Alexander Guffy, a Revolutionary soldier and a native of Pennsylvania. Judge Guffy owns one of the finest homes in Morgantown, and county of Butler, besides other real estate and personal porperty [sic] in the town and county. He has an extensive practice in his profession, and his influence as a private citizen and public officer has always been exerted in favor of justice and right. Guffy Jamison Nutting Harrison Munroe Carson Hardy = Muhlenberg-KY Logan-KY Hartford-Ohio-KY PA