Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. JAMES F. PHILLIPS, proprietor of the Richmond House, Morgantown, was born in Monmouthshire, England, October 8, 1843. He was the third of six children, five of whom are now living; a sister, Annie, resides at Long Island, and a brother, Edwin, in Hopkins County, Ky. His parents are Evan and Jemima Phillips, the former now seventy-five and the latter seventy-three years of age, both residing in England. Our subject was reared and received his education in his native land until the age of twenty-one, when he left home and became a practical miner. Soon afterward he removed to America, landing in New York May 5, 1868. He immediately removed to the State of Ohio, where he followed the business of mining one year. He then came to Boyd County, Ky., and became a contractor in the Ashland mines. He remained there five years, and in 1879 removed to Clay County, Ind., and soon after settled in Hopkins County, Ky., and was in business there four years; thence came to Mining District, Butler County, where he became superintendent of mines, in which business he was engaged four years. In October, 1884, he removed to Morgantown and purchased the Richmond House, which he has refitted and furnished. His table, rooms and all the appointments of the house are first class. Mr. Phillips was married October 15, 1883, to Mrs. Frank Haffley, a native of Moulton, Ala., where she was born March 5, 1848. She was the fourth child of Jacob Odom, and was brought up at Tuscumbia, Ala. Phillips Haffley Odom = England NY OH Boyd-KY Clay-IN Hopkins-KY Moulton-Lawrence-AL Tuscumbia-Colbert-AL