Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. JOSIAH W. WADE was born in Butler County, Ky., October 3, 1845, and is a son of Josiah and Nancy (Hines) Wade, the former of whom was a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Virginia. When but a lad some five years old, in 1805, Josiah Wade emigrated with his parents from North Carolina to Lincoln County, Ky., where his early education was received. While yet a young man, in about 1824, he came to Butler County, then almost an unbroken wilderness. Here he was afterward married and engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death. In early life he learned the brick and stone-mason trade, which he followed for many years in connection with farming. He was also an excellent singer, and taught vocal music until in his latter years. His death occurred December 5, 1884, in his eighty-fifth year. He and wife were for many years devoted members of the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal Churches, respectively. He was also a member of the P. of H. His grandfather, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a captain in the army during the early Indian wars before the Revolution, his death occurring while in the service. Josiah W. Wade, the subject of our sketch, received only a limited common school education in youth, to which he has since added somewhat by his own exertions. He was employed on his father's farm until he was nineteen years old, after which he farmed on leased lands for four years. He then farmed on rented lands for about five years, after which he bought a partially improved farm of 110 acres on Indian Camp Creek, in Butler County, Ky., upon which he still resides. The farm is now in a good state of cultivation and improvement. He was married, April 9, 1869, to Eudora James, a native of Ohio County, Ky., born May 1, 1851. Six children - three sons and three daughters - have blessed their union, all of whom are yet living. Their names are as follows: Fayette H., Loren E., Albinnie, Elbunah, Louis B. and Alonda B. Mr. Wade belongs to no church or secret order, but in politics is a Democrat. Wade Hines James = NC VA Lincoln-KY Ohio-KY