Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Butler Co. PERRY WESTERFIELD, Butler County, was born in Ohio County, Ky., January 6, 1861. His father, W. P. Westerfield, is a native of Kentucky, born in 1835. He followed teaching for about fifteen years. In 1861 [he] abandoned the profession, and took up the practice of medicine, in which he has been engaged up to the present time. He was married, in 1860, to Martha A. Miles, who died in the year 1872, leaving four children, of whom Perry is the eldest. Perry Westerfield remained with his parents until the death of his mother, when he went to reside with an uncle, and spent one year in farm work after which he was clerk in a hotel for about two years, after which he went to school one year; then was employed in the store of L. Mendel & Co., in the capacity of clerk and salesman, for four years. He then entered Cumberland University, at Lebanon, Tenn.; took the literary course and graduated in 1881, and returned to the employ of Mendel & Co. In june, 1884, he went into business for himself, and up to the present time has been engaged in the sale of drugs and groceries, under the firm name of P. Westerfield & Co. They are doing a good business and carry in stock about $2,000. Mr. Westerfield, though young, has developed extraordinary business qualities, and bids fair to excel as a man of business. September 21, 1884, he married Joannie, daughter of William H. and Sarah (Hancock) Evans, of Butler County, Ky. Politically, Mr. Westerfield is a Republican. Westerfield Miles Mendel Evans Hancock = Ohio-KY