From: KyArchives [] To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Court.Orders.Hardin.Co.1811.Hardin.COURT Hardin Co. Court Orders April 13, 1811 Hardin County KyArchives Court Source: Hardin Co. Court Order Book C Written: April 13, 1811 HARDIN CO. COURT ORDER BK C pp 6-10 Monday April 13th 1811 At a County Court began and held for Hardin County at the court house in Elizabeth Town on Monday the 13th day of April 1812 Present Adin COOMBS George HELM Samuel MARTIN and Arthur McGOUGHY Esquire ------------------ On motion of James MORGAN It is ordered that William BROWN, George HELM and Benjamin WRIGHT be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to establish the beginning and Special calls of an entry of 400 acres entered in the name of Sarah MORGAN lying on the South Side of the rolling fork and that the Clerk issue a warrant accordingly. ------------ A settlement of the estate of Samuel CARTER deceased was produced in Court & ordered to record. ------------ Ezekiel FIELDS ear mark is as follows towit. Crop off of each ear and undercut in the left which is ordered to record. ------------ Inventory of the sales of the estate of appraisement of the estate of Thomas GEOGHAN deceased was produced in court and ordered to record. ----------- The commissioners appointed to establish the special calls of two entries made in the name of Thomas BENNIT belonging to Jacob LARUE returned the Deposition of Thomas LOGSDON and Patrick BROWN which was ordered to record. ------------- Ordered that James HAYCRAFT be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Elizabeth Town to the Grayson County which lies between Mary MORRISONs and the Grayson line and that all the hands that live on the left hand of said road from the mouth of the Valley Creek to the mouth of Shaws Creek do assist said surveyor in keeping said road in repair. -------------- An additional Inventory of the estate of Joseph HART was produced in Court and ordered to record. ---------------- The last will and Testament of Henry DEAVOR deceased was produced in court & proven by the oath of David CRADY a Subscribing witness thereto and ordered to lay over for further proof. ------------ Ordered that Samuel HAYCRAFT Robert MARTIN John KENNEDY and Samuel GOLDSMITH Senr be and they are hereby appointed to view the new and old road leading to Adin COOMBS mill that they measure both roads and report which in their opinion is the nearest and best way. ------------- Present Augustan GREEN & Jacob ENLOW Esquire ------------- Ordered that the following hands assist Henry COUTS in keeping the road in repair which he is Surveyor of to wit Wilson BOWMAN William FREEMAN Jesse KEITH William KIRK RAGLAND Adin BRASHEAR John BRUNK John MORRISON John MORRIS CONSTAN & their hands ------------ The persons appointed to view an alteration proposed to be made in the road leading from Elizabeth Town to the Rolling Fork this day made their report in the words & figures following to wit We William JOURDAN and William VITTETOW after being first sworn have reviewed the road agreeable to the within order and we find it not injurious to the Public, but the old road verry injurious to Robert C. SLAUGHTER the way the old road runs William JOURDAN It is therefore considered by the Court that Robert C. SLAUGHTER have leave to turn said road as follows to wit leaving the old road between where Robert C SLAUGHTER lives and John SHADWICK Jun old place to the right hand striking the branch thence down the branch to the old road opposite Robert C. SLAUGHTERs thence keeping the old road to where it crosses the branch keeping down the branch to the left hand about forty yards thence turning to the right to intersect the old road and it is ordered that the said alteration be and the same is hereby established as the road ------------ On motion of John PAULY leave is given him to turn the road leading by his house to BRECKINRIDGE County to Leave the old road at the Creek thence a straight line so as to strike the said road after passing Said John PAULEYs 5 acre field leaving the old road to the right and it is ordered that said alteration be established as the road in stead of the old road & that he Survey of the old road with his hands & keep the same in repair. ---------------- Absent George HELM Samuel MARTIN Jacob ENLOW & Arthur McGAUGHEY esq -------------------- Coonrod KASTER appellant against an appeal from a magistrates Samuel PERCIFUL appellee judgment This day came as well the appellants as the appelle and after hearing the arguments of the council on both sides it is the opinion the magistrates Judgment remain the same and that the Appelant recover against the appelle his costs by him about his appeal expended -------------------- Ordered that Jonathan JOSEPH Williamson CARTER and John HILL be and they are hereby appointed to view an alteration proposed to be made on the road leading from Nolin to Bairds town turning out of the old road at Doctor WRIGHTs place to the left hand and coming in again at the court house and that they make report to Court. --------- Ordered that John MILLER Esquire be and he is hereby fined five dollars for a contempt offered the Court in their presence and that he pay the costs occasioned hereby ----------- On Motion of William WITHERS Sheriff of Hardin County Robert MILLER is admitted as his deputy whereupon he took the oath prescribed by law. -------------- On motion of Benjamin WRIGHT Surveyor of Hardin County John KENNEDY is admitted as his deputy whereupon he took the oath of office ------------------- Robert READ Appellant against on appeal from magistrates Judgment Edward HATFELD Appelle By agreement of the parties it is Ordered that the magistrates Judgment herein lie and it is hereby reversed and that the Appellant recover against the appellee his costs by him about his appeal expended. ------------- On motion of Squire LARUE Taylor BAIRD is admitted constable of Hardin County whereupon he took the oaths prescribed by law and entered into and acknowledged his bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars conditional as the law directs with Squire LARUE and Samuel PERCEFIELD his Securities --------- Joseph FRENCH Plt on summons to shew cause why agst the Plaintiff should not have a Thomas JOHNSTON Dft ferry established on his land Ordered that this cause be and the Same is hereby dismissed and that the Defendant recover against the plaintiff his costs by him about his defence herein expended --------- Ordered that the fine entered up against John MILLER this day for a contempt offered the Court be and the same is hereby remitted. ---------- Coonrod KASTER vs Saml PERCEFUL Daniel HORNBACK claims one day for attendance for Deft ----------- Hardin County Court vs on motion to bind children Sely FIGG & wife Ordered that this cause be and the Same is hereby continued until the next review of this Court. -------- Ordered that a Summons issued commanding Sally WISEHEART widow of George WISEHART deceased and Elizabeth DOUGHERTY widow of Christopher DOUGHERTY deceased to appear here on the first day of the next Court to shew cause why the Administrations of their husbands Estates should not be taken from them. ---------- Ordered that Mark BREWER John SHERRID James FRENCH Senr and Henry WISE or any three of them do view the nearest and best way for a road to lead from James FRENCHes to the mouth of Wilsons Creek where the old road now crosses the rolling fork and that they report the conveniences and inconveniences of the old road and the way promised they find being sworn before a magistrate of this County and that they make report to Court --------------- The persons appointed to let to the lowest bidder the erection of public stocks & whipping posts let the same to Benjamin OGDIN at the sum of eighteen dollars that being the lowest bid. Said Stocks & Whipping post being completed the court received them from the said Ogdin. --------- Ordered that Court be adjourned Adin COOMBE Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor Submitted by: Patricia O'Connor This file has been created by a form at