From: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:52 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Sloan's.Crossing.News.1929.Edmonson.NEWS Sloan's Crossing News June 6, 1929 Edmonson County KyArchives News The Edmonson County News June 6, 1929 Hello everybody, nice and cool weather for June isn't it. The stork sure has been busy around here the last few weeks. On May 21 he left a girl at Mr. Gus Johnson's, named Cova Marie: on June 1 a girl at Chestine Cutliff's named Evelyn Madell; June 2 a girl at Lyman Cutliff's named Norma Faye. The dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitlow Sunday were Mrs. Inez Doyal, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jake Hack with their twin babies. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Furlong and children visited friends at Chaumont Saturday night and Sunday. Rev. A. P. Cooper filled his regular appointment at Cedar Hill Saturday night and Sunday. Earl Kade, one of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kade has been very ill but is improving. Mrs. D. M. France called on her sister Mrs. Ina Kade Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wilkins visited their daughter Mrs. J. S. France last Monday. Submitted by: Charles Finn This file has been created by a form at