From: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 5:37 AM To: Nancy Trice Subject: Log.Cabin.1901.11.23.Harrison.NEWS Excerpts November 23 1901 Harrison County KyArchives News Log Cabin Saturday Vol. 6 No. 47 Pg. 2 Col. 5 Connersville Dr. Albert Conner attended the funeral of his niece, Mrs. Lillie Butler, nee Conner, who died last Firday. Kelat Miss Annie Whalen spent Friday with her cousin, Miss Nannie Hodge, near Sunrise. Ollie A. Worrell visited his grandfather, A. W. Stevens, Sunday and attended court in Mt. Olivet, Monday. Rev. E. C. Savage, assisted by Rev. Johnston, will continue a revival at Benson church which began on last Monday night. Log Cabin 23 Nov 1901 Saturday Vol. 6 No. 47 Pg. 3 Col. 3 Deaths Cecil, son of Chas. Mockabee, died near Leeslick last Saturday, at age of 6. Buried at Gilead. (Believe this is the Gilead in the southern part of Harrison Co. ) Lucy, eight year old daughter of Richard Petticord, of Oddville died of croup Wednesday. Buried at Indian Creek. Mrs. Lille Conner, nee Butler died of consumption on Friday. Survived by husband and several chldren (not named.) (This backward from the listing in Connersville Items above. dh) Mrs. Lula Webster, wife of J. B. Webster, died of pneumonia Tuesday in Cynthiana. Age 59. Formerly Miss Lula Landrum of Bourbon Co. and married Mr. Webster 37 years ago. Survived by her husband, one daughter, Miss Lillie and three sons: County attorney elect, J. Stanley Webster; Richard Webster, Washington, DC; Herbert Webster, California. Buried in Jacksonville. Mrs. Annie E. Cook, wife of W. A. Cook, died of consumption Tuesday in Cynthiana. Age 56. Formerly Miss Ferrell of Covington, married Mr. Cook in 1865. Buried at Battle Grove. Submitted by: Doug Harper This file has been created by a form at