From: KyArchives [] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 7:17 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: NEWS.Log.Cabin.1909.10.08.Harrison News Excerpts October 8 1909 Harrison County KyArchives News Log Cabin LOG CABIN Fri. 8 Oct 1909 Vol. 14 No. 41 Pg. 3 & 4 Col. 1-6 Continued on page 9. THE CONQUEST OF THE POLE By Dr. Frederick A. Cook. LOG CABIN Fri. 8 Oct 1909 Vol. 14 No. 41 Pg. 5 Col. 4 KELAT Rev. E. K. Pike has moved away from our village. Bro. Pike has been on the Kelat Charge four years and has done a great work in up-building his people. Rev. Jones, his successor has taken charge, preaching his first sermon last Sunday. LOG CABIN Fri. 8 Oct 1909 Vol. 14 No. 41 Pg. 6 Col. 2. BIRTHS On 29 Sep. 1909, to wife of Lewis Kearns, a daughter. She was born with a front tooth. Born to Mrs. Henry Gnadinger, a daughter. LOG CABIN Fri. 8 Oct 1909 Vol. 14 No. 41 Pg. 6 Col. 4 DEATHS HON. F. L. McCHESNEY Died at Paris, Tuesday, age 79. Born in Georgetown, District of Columbia, 7 Dec. 1829. His great grandfather born in Scotland. His father David McChesney was a soldier in the War of 1812. His father died in 1839 leaving six children of whom Mr. McChesney was the youngest. He married Miss Belle Remington, in Cynthiana. His mother was Ann Wise Webster of Maryland, whose ancestors came to America with Lord Baltimore. HON. WALLER SHARP Age 62, died in Winchester on Tuesday. MRS. LAURA ALICE WHITE Wife of Jack White, died at their home near the A. Keller distillery last Friday. Buried in Salem Cemetery. She was formerly Miss Laura Alice Sandy, a daughter of Levi Sandy. She was born 8 Dec. 1859 and was nearly 50 years old. Survived by husband and three sons. [No names given. dh] MRS. JAMES R. THOMAS Died at Latonia on Wednesday of last week at the age of 42. She was formerly Miss Annie Wagoner, and is survived by husband and a daughter. Buried in Pythian Grove Cemetery. LOG CABIN Fri. 8 Oct 1909 Vol. 14 No. 41 Pg. 12 Col. 2 CURRY Mrs. Mel Morrison died 29 Sep. 1909. Survived by husband, six sons and two daughters. (Not Named. DH) Submitted by: Doug Harper This file has been created by a form at