NEWS.Mountain.Echo.Laurel.1891.7.17-1891.7.24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXCERPTS from the MOUNTAIN ECHO July 1891 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reprinted with permission of the Laurel County Historical Society ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY 17, 1891 On Tuesday evening about dark Craig Gregg, who has been confined in jail for some time charged with breaking into the railroad depot at Pittsburg, was allowed to go outside for the purpose of removing some slop buckets and, as he was returning, he hurriedly set down his buckets, bade his guard good by and took to his heels. A hue and cry was raised and soon a pretty good army of the boys was after him. Several pistol shots were fired, which aroused the own, frightening the women and children, but failing to stop the fleeing man. But Gregg soon became exhausted and was compelled to ake refuge under the floor of McKee's planing mill. Here he was soon discovered and brought out, and in a short time was behind the bars again. One of the bullets fired at Gregg grazed his right ip and another crashed through one of the large glass in the front of M. Foutz's tailor shop. JULY 24, 1891 Mrs. Elizabeth Farris has been jailed at Mt. Vernon, charged with murdering her neighbor, Mrs. Fatsy Todd. On June 1, 1892, the State of Kentucky will be one-hundred years old, and the Filson Club, of Louisville, in connection with other Historical Associations, will celebrate the event with ceremonies of an historical character. Frank Rossimus was taken from the jail at Middlesborough, early Friday morning and hanged to a bridge, by a mob. On the evening before Rossimus and Giles Johnson created a disturbance by firing their revolvers in the city limits and, when police started after them, fled out of the city, leading the officers into an ambush from which they were fired upon and two of them wounded. After a fight Johnson was captured and sent to Pineville. Later Rossimus was captured and placed in jail. During the night he was taken out and hanged as stated above. Johnson would have shared the same fate had he not have been sent to Pineville earlier in the evening. LOCAL ITEMS BORN-To the wife of Humphrey F. Faris, on Sunday, July 19, a girl Leila. Misses Eva and Carrie Baugh were in town Monday with Miss Nora Lovelace. BORN-On Friday July 17, to the wife of Stephen R. Jackson, a twelve pound boy, Waiter Craig. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contributed by Rita Stanifer Maggard Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1997