Mt. Vernon Signal, 1897, Rockcastle Co JAN 22, 1897 Dave Steinback of McGhee's Spring, Carlise county is the possessor of a freak of nature in the shape of a calf having three well developed nostrils and three eyes,. The calf appears to be healthy and bids fair to live. GOOCHLAND Mrs Nora Anglin is on the sick list at this writing Moses Anglin was here from Diputanta Sunday Mim Morris of Middle Fork is visiting relatives at this place Mrs. Nora McGuire visited relatives at Clover Bottom last week Miss Ella Phillips was the guest of her sister Mrs Dooley Saturday night John Smithers and Miss Ada Tarpie were untied in matrimony Friday night Messrs Scott and Linard Malicote of Madison county are visiting relatives here On last Sunday Isaac Rector and Hays Smith fell out, a good many shots were fired but no one hurt further trouble is expected Mr. and Mrs Wesley Johnson gave the young folks a social Friday night all reproted a nice time Mr. Matt Ballard of Cooksburg was the guest of his sister Mrs Clark Saturday and Sunday BRODHEAD Everett Watson is convalescent Mrs J.R. Cass has quite a time with Lagrippe Dr. J.R. Clark has been very sick for some days Rev Farrer will preach at the Christian Church here Sunday Wm Francisco mived into his new house near the Methodist church L.C. Drake General agent Union Central Life Insurance Co is with us Greenville Evan's child took very ill while visiting ralatives in the county Lester B. Hilton the sprightly son of J.H. Hilton is spending a few days with his grandfather J.E. Woodyard Mrs A J Pike is improving slowly, Drs Eugene Brown of Mt. Vernon and Benton of this palce attending physicians John Robins has bought half interest in the Albright Drugstore. Rev Mahoney preached his farewell sermon at the Baptist church Sunday. We regret very much that the church cold not secure Bro Mahoney's services for another year as he is a very able minister and one that most every one learned to love M G. Aldridge of Garrard county has rented the residence of J.E. Woodyard and will move to it about Feb 1st. LIVINGSTON Mrs Anna Elmore has been very sick for a fe days Judge McClure of Mt. Vernon was in town Tuesday Editor Maret of Mt. Vernon was in town Monday W.C. Mullins made a short trip to Mt. Vernon Sunday Miss Annie Melton has returned home form King's Mountain Givens Terrel of Paint Lick was here Friday on business Mrs Sallie Miller of Stnaford is guest of Mrs A.N> Bently Miss Fannie Redd of Crab Orchard is visiting her Aunt Mrs Cooper B.B. King of Moreland visited his daughter Mrs E. Fishback last week Miss Ella Joplin went to Mt Vernon Saturday to visit relatives A.T. Tucker wife and daughter of Maywood are guests of Mrs Russel Dillion Dr. Joseph Pettus of Crab Orchard is here visiting his son Lon Pettus and family W.E. Garrot who was reported sick with typhoid fever is able to resume work again Mrs John Mullins went to Brodhead Friday to see her sister Mrs Al Pke who is very sick Supt Martin and chief Train Dispatcher Sheridan of L&N R.R. were at W.R. Dillons Friday Miss Lee Deering of Springfield Kentucky who has been the guest of Mrs Will Stark has returned home Died Wednesday Jan 13th HARDIN DURHAM age 90 years. He was one of our first settlers and probably the oldes man in the county. (I have lots of records on Hardin Durham) WILDIE Bert Hayes will move his shop from here to Brodhead Mr H. Bishop of this place has gone to Corbin on business mart Jones of Conway was in our town ond day last week Wm Smith our section foreman errected by Mrs Ann Philips (what do you think this means?) Edgar Hayes has been at home for a few days eith a sore hand W.D. Kelton of Conway spent Sunday with his brother of this place Jones Fishe's little boy Willie who has been sick for some time is much better Miss Jocie and Joe Wood spent Saturday and Sunday at home Wm Smith our section foreman has moved to Wildie, in a new house reected by Mrs Mary Phillips Miss Synthia and James Hayes who are attending college at Berea were at home Saturday and Sunday We understand that Mr and Mrs J.J. Franklin will leave soon for their hime in North Carolina From: Cindy Crawford 13 May 1998