Mt. Vernon Signal, 1898, Rockcastle Co APRIL 1, 1898 LIVINGSTON Sam Ward Sr. was in Mt. Vernon last week Dr cooper was in Crab Orchard the first of the week Will Hundley was down from Brush Creek last week Jospeh Coffey and Louis Dillion were in Mt Vernon Monday Lee Tate was here last week on official business Dr Redd has returned to Crab Orchard after a visit to his sister Mrs Dr. Cooper C.P. Mann who recently sold his barber shop at this place has moved his family to Ford where they will reside Lige Herrin seeing how far ahead Livingston was of Mt Vernon, has moved in our midst near Hon Sam Ward's on the river Miss Iva Painter of Brodhead is the gues tof the family of W.H. Rice Warren Williams of Cincinnati were with friends here Saturday Mrs Chas Starks is visiting Mr Starks parents in Marion county Reubin Mullins was here from Mt Vernon Sunday Miss Daisy Parsley who has been visiting E. S. Elmore returend to her home in Licnoln, Sunday W.R. Dillion was in Stanford Sunday Russ Dillion has returned after a protracted visit to Lincoln Dr. J. H. Pettus of Crab Orchard is visiting his brother L.A. Pettus. Dr Pettus is talking of Locating here C. Mullins is on the sick list this week Mrs Chas Harris is no better at this writing At the last meeting of the Literary Society the question discussed was the Monarch a better form of Governament than Republic. It wa discussed by Col Benltly and Joe..... for the affirmative and Walter Saunders and John Pope for the negative. The judges Messrs R.C. Wade of this place Edward Mahoney and Joseph Page of Louisville. They decided in favor of the negative Our new depot will be furnished and occupied by May 1st. and Wm Fields will soon have his large hotel completed. We extend a cordial invitiation toa ll our Mt Vernon friends to come up and see us Joe Magee of London is visiting his brother John this week. WILDIE J. Fish and W.H. Jones went to Mt Vernon Monday Mrs Isaac Dooley of Langford Station is very low iwht pneumonia Prof Phillips has had to discontinue his school for several days on account of being unable to teach having a carbuncle on the back of his neck Mr Forrester traveling sales man fro Cowan McClung Co, Knoxville, has brought his family to this place and taken rooms at Jones Fish's Mr Owens business manager for J.C. Jones and Smith was here Monday BRODHEAD Willie Owens, teacher in one of te departments in school here started out for a little recreation last Sat eve and while standing with muzzle of gun on his foot and holding the breech in hand, the gun went off plowing an ugly and painful furrow through his foot. Dr. Benton was called B.A. Yeadon, agent for the Bowere Gate Latch is in Casey county W.G. Burger will start on his trip to New mexico this week Squire Brown held court here last Wednesday Larkin Hicks bought of James Cloyd a nice 3 year old mare for $18 Rev Livingston filled his appointment at the Christian church here Saturday and Sunday Robt Wilmot has had a severe attack of Pneumonia but is convalescent E.E. Protheroe made a business trip to the mountains a few days since John William who has the contract of the Frith & Dunn store house is making rapid progress Owen Jarrett is with us or his best girl at present LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Fritz Krueger is on the sick list Noah Tyree has a very sick boy Sheriff Mullins was here this week Fresh fish every Friday at S.W. Prewitt's DIED: A child of William Livesay died Monday of croup Hous McFerron wa sup from Pine Hill, Wednesday A.J. Fish is putting in some hard licks on the farm Mrs G.A. Coyle has returned from a visit to Pittsburg Fritz Krueger has moved into rooms upstairs in his new brick The Misses Gentry gave an elegant party on last Saturday night Sam Pennington was in from Line Creek stave mill Sunday last J.C. Rymel who has been seriously ill of pneumonia is better Willis Adams has a pen of forty nice hogs he lately purchased Haywood Ward formerly an old citizen of this county died at Pittsburg Wednesday Miss Ida Ping a very pretty lady from Plato visited friends here Sunday A 36 in vein of fine coal has been found on Skaggs creek on the farm belonging to D.N. Williams Misses Susie and Annie Thompson are visiting the family of their uncle J.J. Thompson, in Garrard Miss Zerilda Pennington has returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Laurel and Jackson counties Henry sutton lost his left eye by being sturck with a sprawl of stone while sledging in Whites quarry last Saturday A look through the Bordhead Marble Works shows that W.H. Colyer the clever proprietor is doing an extensive business The little old building in court house yard that was ereted about 70 years ago and for several years past used for office purposes has been torn down and removed. The new iorn fence is being placed around court yard. Its beauty and adds much to the appearence of court square James Tate of Brodhead was here Monday Lloyd Maret wants to buy two dozen young hens Neal Parrett is selling a splendid article in the way of a sash oclck J.T. Cherry Bordhead has good Irish pototoes at 60 cents a bushel George White of Crab Orchard is visiting his brother James at this place Nels Griffin now occupies the property recently purchased of E.A. Herrin A block of houses in which smallpox broke out at Richmond will be burned Mrs James Taylor, who recently returned from Lexington Infirmary continues quite ill I am prepared to take photographs and will be pleased to have your order Mrs Ella Baker will have her millinery opening tomorrow Saurday April 2. Come and see the fine display W.B. Whithead and Robt Livesay are fencing in their lots on Williams street. Mr W. will build a nice residence in the near future Miss Alice Bethuaum was adjudged insane, Tuesday and will be returned to Lexington asylum. She had been from that intstitute but a few months W.A. Falin of Cove called and renewed his subscription for three papers. When a draft is made for more soldiers we will ask for his parole Geo Hammock the man said to have disappeared from the Scaggs creek neighborhood and who wa thougt to have been murdered and cost into a 200 foot sink hole is well and at home near London. The excitement has about died out Dr. Monroe Pennington has returned from Louisville Medical College. He returns to us a full fledged "M.D." having graduated last week with honors. He is a good doctor a hard student, a perfect gentleman at all times and deserves a good practice and he will get it too D.L. Cater who has been sick is improving C.W. Lester State Inspector was here yesterday The Cigarette Bill was vetoed by acting Governor Worthington Matt Pike the King Bee merchant of Pine Hill was here on Monday last That fine big range at Grant Baker's will soon be awarded, there being only a few tickets left W.H. Brannaman was in town Tuesday last. he says it's too cold to fish; but is still in the fodder business...any how he was looking for fodder seed Joseph E. Bullock, U.S. Mail carrier for the route between here and Bloss tells us some terrible snake yarns, which we will have to soon publish Fritz Krueger has stonecutters at work on material for his new brick residence. Mr Kruger has just returned from atirp to central part of the state where he sold several car loads of lime Judge John B. Fish has rented the Martin property in the west part of town and will go to house keeping about the first of the month. He will ahve anextensive watermelon patch. DIED: Little Bessie, daoughte of Mr and Mrs R. L. Stark Pleasure Ridge Park, died March 16th of spinal meningitis, aged nine months and two days. The many friends here of the family extend sympathy in their loss Roy S. Lewis a native of this county a brother of former circuit Clerk, now being in the West, writes his borther in law, J.J. McCall, that McKinley's promised prosperity hasn't prospered much out there. He assures his kinsman that he voted for Bryan in '96 and hopes to do so again in 1900. DIED: Vana, aged 13, youngest son of Mr and Mrs W.J. Francisco died near Ingalls Kans, on Mrch 9th. He was a bright and intelligent boy ans was the idol of the family. The family were formerly citizens of Rockcastle countya nd our people deeply sympathize with them in their sad loss C.L. King seems to be improving very slowly J.T. Nichols of Buffalo locality was with us a few days since Judge H.K. McKinney has returned from a trip to Pulaski G.W. Jones one of conway's good citizens was here Monday Sim Davis is erecting a dwelling on lot in North part of town T.T. Wallacs the boss ????? is in Livingston working for Billy Fields and also fishing L.W. Bethurum and S.D. Lewis are contemplating a trip to State of Washington with a view to locating Hamp Reynolds, Brodhead, the premioum ugly man, is running a successful blacksmith shop. Jesse Roberts ditto. all shoe horses for 50 cents A memorial meeting was aheld at the Christian church, Sunday night in honor of the Late Miss Frances E. Willard, of WCTU fame Robert Norton a prominent farmer of Wabd, was here Wednesday ans said that farm work was considerable behind on account of rains Dr Davis Lawrence and Lovell removed eleven tomors from the shoulder of three old child of James Riddle sunday last. The patient is doing nicely J.T. Brown was in from Walnut Grove Monday and had this office to print bills for his fine stallion "Ned" Demark and two jacks Baughman and Beecher "Red" Farley was at Lebanon Junction last Saturday and raffled off his $350 diamond. Young Mr Hall a clerk in the railroad office there won the prize at a cost of seven cents O.P. Bostick workig at Langford quarry was arrested on papers from Virginia charging him with killing a negro was given a hearing here last week and case dismissed. J.J. Lawrence recently from Indian Territory has been placed on list of extra operators on K.D. Jack has our thanks for assistance rendered around the Signal office during past six weeks. To Sell or Exhange Good covered spring wagon suitable for butcher business or turcking will take a good fresh cow in exchage as part pay G.A. Klein, Langford, KY Gen'l W. H. Gentry of Fayette, has issued invitations to all the Gentrys to meet in reunion at Crab Orchard Springs Aug ?, the object is to bright together as many of the name who have descended from the Revolutionary soldier, Richard Gentry, who is buried near those springs on the old Gentry farm; also the descendents of his brother David, two sisters, and his Uncles, Martin, Watson, William and Moses Gentry all whom came from Virginia The new Cunty Judge and Circuit Clerk have been on the hustle since their induction into office. Court has been in almost continuious session since Jan 3rd and work still goes on. In the past two weeks the following convictions were reported ror liquor selling; Dic Sowder one ase, Bert Hayes, old cases, G.M. Fredericks, Smith Ping, P.T. Welsh, Steve Robinson. Fines ran from $50 to $400. Working statutes were applied in all the cases and a number of the men are now doing time Wm Hundley has sworn out warrants against Elza and Pate Langford charging them with having fired fifteen shots at him last Saturday afternoon while he was standing on his father's door step at Brush Creek Station. Hundley got his shot gun but was prevented by hsi mother from going out. In her efforts to take the weapon it was discharged and the load came near striking her. The Langford's have surrendered to Squire Gatliff in Crooked Creek district The recent plotting and mapping of Mt Vernon and its streets from an old survey places many of our citizens in the postion of not knowing where they are at. Streets running North and South are called East, Middle and West streets. People who have labored under the impression that they lived on Main Street find themselves on Centre. Water street is marked from Spout spring to depot. alphabet Davis and Mit Miller retired one night in their homes on Brooks street and awoke next morning on High Street. The Signal office was on corner of Main and church streets but this map places us at the corner of Centre and Middle streets From: Cindy Crawford 16 Jun 1998