Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1899, Rockcastle Co JUNE 2, 1899 Bud Dunn of Madison bought of H. Brannaman four two year old 900 lb cattle at $40 per head; six of the same age from M. Lear at $30 and four from Per Hiatt for $160 Conrad Hiatt sold at Lancaster Court yesterday a bunch of heifers at $19.25 and some cows and other stuff at 30; J.M. Cress sold a lot of yearling steers at $16 and Emmett Burton some two year old steers at $23.50. A good crowd was present and considerable trading done. Mr J. Ed Cosby of Red House, who made numerous experiments last year says he has discoverd an exterminator for that pestiferous weed known to farmers as "iron weed". He says cut the weed off close to the ground with a hoe or scythe and sprinkle common barrel salt on the stump and in a few days it will trun black, rot clear to the roots and you will be troubled with anew growth of the stalk no more BRODHEAD Dr Benton has been at Mt Vernon for a few days Mrs Jobe Younce is very sick at this writing Bro Livingston filled his appointment here Sunday DIED: Mrs John H. Singleton, May 29 Dr Clark removed a superflous growth from the tongue of Miss eva Tate, daughter of J.w. Tate of this place Brodhead Roller Mill was sold Monday to T.S. Frith for $4900 Mrs Tinch of hazel Patch is visiting Mrs Mounce at this place Herbut Barnes of Bee Lick was here Tuesday Mrs R.S. Martin accompanied her husband to Junction City Monday Mrs Len Parson and Miss Alma Newland have been with our people for some days Mrs Wm Flynn of Lily has been visiting her father James Roberts for some days LIVINGSTON Mr Wright of Parksville is here visiting his brother A.A. Wright Mr and Mrs Jack Melvin have moved to Lebanon Junction where he will take charge of a freight Mrs E. Fishback and children are visiting her parents at Shelbyville Dr Pettus was visiting home folks at Crab Orchard last week James Tucker was dwon from Maywood last Saturday and Sunday and we would guess that he was a guest of Capt Stephens parlor Mrs W.R. Ward was at Mershons X roads last week to see her sister Mrs Jasper Pearl Bro Dickson filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday R.A. Sparks was in Richmond last week on business If you want to strike a man that can and will talk to you on any subject see John Walton LOCAL AND OTHERWISE J.K. McClary was in town Tuesday O.P. Newland was here from Cedar creek Monday Mr Shafer the New York lumberman was here this week J.C. Henry of Livingston the mill man was here Saturday D.S. McKinney was up from Livingston Wednesday "Uncle" John Smith of Livingston was here Wednesday J.B. Gentry telephone lineman was up from Crab Orchard The Duke of Crab Orchard made a great speech in the Mullins case Some of our colored citizens are aksing why they are not summoned on juries G.M. Ballard our excellent Livingston correspondent was with us this week J.B. Owens, A.J. Moore and Geo Johnson of Orlando called on us this week Mrs Sue Mullins one of the Signal's good freinds was up from Livingston Tuesday Dr. Davis has the skull of an animal or reptile the species of which has long ago passed away Albert Hiatt, of Oak Hill neighborhood a very nice young man was in to see us Wednesday last Robert Hunt of Rowland is braking on Chicago & Eastern Illinois road with headquarters at Danville, Ill Mrs Susan Henderson arrived from Commerce Texas Teusday, where she has been visiting for some months Rev J.N. Ison (Methodist) writes us that he will begin a series of meetings at the courth house here on next Monday night June 5th Mrs Georgie Rice has been appointed by judge Morrow to the position of official Court stenographer a popular appointment $5.00 a day Mrs Rosa Nesbitt is having published her new son "in the Sunny South" and L&N Romance" It will be on sale at an early date. her address is Mt Vernon Ky Henley V. Bastin has returned from State College where he stood at the head of his classes. he will look after the construction and extension of telephone lines this summer Mrs Bogue Phillips was here from wildie shopping Tuesday last Mrs J.F. Griffin spent a few days with home folks near Gum Sulphur last week Miss Effie Meadows of Pine Hill has been visiting the family of M.F. Pike at Maretburg Store Moved: I have moved my store to Lee Coffey's place on Renfroe's creek and am selling goods cheaper than ever. M.F. Pike What I have left of my spring and Summer Millinery I will sell at almost your own price. I am going to sell them call and get a bargain. Produce taken Mrs S.C. Franklin Dr W.J. Childress has returned from his Louisville school. He will practice in his neighborhood and will also teach his home school. He graduates in medicine the next term Among the list of fourteen graduates of Caldwell College Danville this year appear the names of Miss Ida May Adams of Mt Vernon and Miss Mary Hacley of Lincoln, who is a niece of the Editor Fifty years ago Wm Kirtly of this place bought two shrubs of Alanthus or tree of life, in Louisville for $10. These bushes were planted here and now the fields areound town are being over run with them. The oder from thier leaves is so offensive that flies will not alight theron, and it is further claimed that birds shun these trees on all occasions Why is it that the side walk has not been put down on West Main in front of the Welch property? The order was made a year ago. The trustees should not force some and let others go that were included in that same order. County Clerk Dick Miller's fence on Richmond street has never been set back, while all the others along that street have. The pavement from Houk's corner to the Christian church has never been touched. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Captain Tom Jim Ballard of Jackson county and Col W.R. Dillon of Livingston, Rockcastle county were here Tuesday negotiating with Richmond parties for the sale of a tract of timber land. Mr Ballard enjoys the distinction of being the first man that raised a Rebel flag in Madison county, while Col Dillion who is his brother in law was a staunch Union man and is now one of the big Republicans of that section usually carrying the vote of rockcastle in his vest pocket Rev L. M. Scroggs is for the present at Kansas City, Mo Mrs Josephine Scroggs is at Berea this week arranging for the State W.C.T.U. Contest For Sale: I have for sale 100 barrels of good white corn at $2.00 at crib for 30 days only J.K. Mcclary, Mt Vernon Ky Mrs lee Tate, Mrs J.F. Griffin and Mrs Bogue Phillips gave this office a pleasant visit Tuesday afternoon last. They talked with relatives over the telephone at Crab Orchard and were wonderfully pleased with Mt Vernon's new enterprise. One of them thought it was better than a Punch and Judy show The jury in the case of ex-Sheriff Mullins for killing Henry Langford was obtained out of the 50 men summoned from Lincoln county and are L.B. Nunnelley, W.G. MacBee, Uriah Dunn, O.J. Crow, G.W. Carter, J.D. Dalton, J.H. Taylor, C.T. Owens, B.D. Carter, A.C. Alford, E.J. Tanner and J.S. Murphy. The testimony was concluded Monday afternoon and the case argured by the attorney until Tuesday afternoon when it was given to the jury. The attorneys for the prosecution were J.N. Sharp, P.d. Colyer, F.F. Bobbitt and W.A. Morrow. The defense was represented by Judge McClure, John W. Brown, Hon R.C. Warren of Stanford; C.W. Lester of Williamsburg; C.C. and Judge Williams, Shapr, Morrow and bobbitt argued the case before the jury for prosecution and the defense was looked after by Lester, C.C. and Judge Williams. There were a number of good speeches but that of Judge Williams was especially complimented. Later: The result of the trial was a hung jury --9 for acquittal and 3 for two years A jury was secured in the John Meadows case Wednesday morn and was in progress when we went to press Editor Signal: I see in your issue of May 26, complaint of John Taylor about some sewing done for him. I did that sewing and made six dresses; two calico, three ginghams, and one worsted dress; also two underskirts and five pairs of drawers--13 garments in all and charged $2.50. I don't think any one can sew any cheaper for cutting and making. So please correct, Respectfully, Mrs Elizabeth Smith CRAB ORCHARD Miss Metta Watson hs been working at the telephone exchange for past three weeks Henley V. Bastin arrived here Wednesday from the State College, Lexington where he stood on examination at the head of the class Will Brooks is at home making preparations for the return of the family from thier Kansas visit. Willis a ladis man from away back Brother Brewer preached at the Christian church Saturday and Sunday The church held an entertainm,ent at Dr Stapp's Freday evening. The menu consisted of cream, strawberries and cake. They realized $12 besides expenses Mr Stewart says this is the kind of weather that corn grows so fast that it jumps off the stalk The G.A.R. met the 30th and enjoyed good music and talks from Dr Davison of Stanford; Dr Doores and Rev K.D. Noaks which were very appropriate for the occasion Miss Hallie Edmiston has gone to Indiana visiting Charley Singleton has moved into his new house Mr and Mrs Hammock of Carterville are visiting Mr and Mrs Patten Mrs Egbert has received a long letter from her son Curtis, in which he gave a description of the immense business house in which he is employed. he says they have two thousand clerks of which 900 are ladies WILDIE A.W. Hart was in Wildie Monday J.H. Henry who died at this place three weeks ago was buried in the same suit he was twice married in; the first marriage being fifty years ago, the second about fifteen years ago A.T. Fish and wife were in Richmond last week Mrs W.H. Brannaman is still very ill Mrs Bogue Phillips is visiting her brother Lee Tate at Mt Vernon W.H. Jones and Sid Asbel were in Mt Vernon Tuesday to hear the speaking in the Mullins case WABD Mrs Nathan Bray is quite ill at this writing Mrs Henry Cromer is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Nathan Bray near this place Rev Williams preached a very interesting sermon to quite a large crowd at Feedom Sunday Miss Laura Langford and Miss Clara Griffin were visiting the Misses Jones last week Rev O.M. Wallin preached at Poplar Grove Sunday last and will also preach at Brodhead next Sunday From: Cindy Crawford 4 Aug 1998