Hopkins-Bourbon County KyArchives Biographies..... Berry, David January 24 1808 - unknown File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 January 7, 2005, 7:42 am Author: Kentucky Genealogy and Biography Volume 1, Kentucky: A History of the State by Battle - Perrin - Kniffin, 3rd edition 1886 REV. DAVID BERRY, Hopkins County, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., January 24, 1808, and is a son of John Berry, who was of English descent, and was born in Rockingham County, Va., June 24, 1766. John Berry was reared to farming, received his education in his native State, and in 1800 came to Bourbon County, Ky., where two years later he was married to the mother of our subject. In 1819 he removed to Muhlenburgh County, Ky.; in 1830 to Macoupin County, Ill., where he resided until his death, July 20, 1845. He professed faith in Christ and joined the Old School Presbyterian Church in early life; later he joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, remaining a devoted and consistent member of that organization until his death. David Berry was employed on his father's farm until he attained his majority. In 1830 he removed to Greenville, Muhlenburgh Co., Ky., and in October, 1831, came to the south part of Hopkins County, where he bought a farm and engaged in agricultural pursuits until a few years ago, when he sold the place to his youngest son, Gilbert C., with whom he now resides, retired from active business. He married Miss Lenore A. Earle. Seven children - four sons and three daughters - have been left to him; the family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Chruch. Mr. Berry professed religion and joined the church when only sixteen years old, or more than sixty years ago. He has been a licensed preacher for over forty years, and a regularly ordained elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for the past four years, being a member of Anderson Presbytery of that sect. Mr. Berry has been a resident of Hopkins County for fifty-three years. He is liberal in his political views, but generally votes with the Republican party. Gilbert C., the youngest son of David and Lenoro A. (Earle) Berry, was born in Hopkins County, Ky., January 29, 1837. He has resided on the old homestead which he now owns, all his life. In July, 1863, he enlisted in Company A, Thirty-fifth Kentucky Mounted Infantry (Federal Service) and served with it until December, 1864, when the regiment was mustered out. He was married January 22, 1863, to Miss Virginia A. Putman, a native of Tennessee. Three children have blessed their union: John D., Eller F. and Jesse G., all of whom are living. Mr. Berry and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; he is also an earnest advocate of the temperate cause; in politics he was first a Republican, and still remains a Republican. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/