From: KyArchives [] Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 7:46 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Blackburn.Cary.B.1838.Woodford-Jefferson.BIOS Cary B. Blackburn April 29 1838 - unknown Woodford-Jefferson County KyArchives Biography Author: The Biographical Encyclopaedia of Kentucky, J. M. Armstrong & Co., 1878 Cary B. Blackburn, M. D., was born April 29, 1838, in Woodford County, Kentucky, and is the only child of Dr. Luke P. Blackburn of Louisville. He received his early education in Natchez, Mississippi, and afterward at college in Frankfort, Kentucky, where he graduated in 1858. He immediately began the study of medicine with Dr. D. Gross, of Philadelphia, and graduated in 1861. During the scourge of yellow fever in Natchez, in 1865, he nobly aided his father in attending those afflicted with that terrible disease. He also figured extensively in the late civil war, first as a lieutenant, and afterwards as lieutenant-colonel of his regiment. He also served, for a time, as surgeon. he returned to Kentucky, in 1868, and resumed the medical practice at Louisville, where he has established a successful business, and taken an active and honorable position in the profession. Religiously, he was originally an Episcopalian, but, since the war, has connected himself with the Catholic Church. He is a member of the Kentucky State Medical Society; belongs to several social organizations; is a man of unexceptional personal professional habits, and an enterprising and valuable citizen. Submitted by: Sandi Gorin This file has been created by a form at