From: KyArchives [] Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:57 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Board.Andrew.ww1.1917.Breckinridge.MILITARY-Other World War 1 Draft Registration Card ww1 Breckinridge County KyArchives Military Other World War 1 Draft Registration Card World War I Draft Registration Card A—(5 June 1917) REGISTRATION CARD No.: 23 1. Name in full Given Name: Andrew Family name: Board Age in Years: 22 2. Home Address No.: Street: City: Custer State: KY 3. Date of birth Month: May Day: 9 Year: 1895 4. Are you 1) natural-born citizen 2) naturalized citizen 3) alien 4) or have you declared your intention (specify which): natural-born citizen 5. Where were you born? Town: Custer State: KY Nation:USA 6. If not a citizen, of what nation are you a citizen or subject: 7. What is your present trade, occupation, or office: Farming 8. By whom employed: Father Where employed: Custer, KY 9. Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support (specify which): no 10. Married or single (which): Single Race (specify which): Caucasian 11. What military service have you had? None Rank Branch Years Nation or state 12. Do you claim exemption from draft (specify grounds): No I affirm that I have verified above answers and that they are true. Signature or mark: Andrew his x mark Board If person is of African descent, cut off this corner (is corner missing?): REGISTRAR’S REPORT 1. Tall, medium or short (specify which): Tall Slender, medium, or stout (which): medium 2. Color of eyes: Blue Color of hair: Brown Bald: no 3. Has person lost arm, leg, hand, foot, eye, or both eyes or is he otherwise disabled (specify): I certify that my answers are true that the person registered has read his own answers, that I have witnessed his signature, and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows: Signature of: Allie Alexander Precinct: Custer City or County: Breck. State: KY Date of registration: June 5, 1917 Submitted by: Dana Brown Additional Comments: The actual image of this card can be obtained through microfilms at NARA, or through a paid subscription to This file has been created by a form at