WILL: Bowles, 1820 - Bourbon Co Jesse Bowles In the name of God Amen I Jesse BOWLES of Bourbon County being for many years in an infirm state of health but of sound mind and good memory and knowing I am to die, that I may prevent all future disputes in my family and among my friends, that I may dispose of all my worldly substances with which it has pleased God to bless me, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former will or wills or testaments whatsoever. Item, It is my will that my just debts be paid. Item, I lend unto my loving wife, Hannah BOWLES so long as she remains my widow and no longer, my house and that part of my plantation and tract of land which shall not be hereafter disposed of, also all my household and kitchen furniture, all implements of husbandry on my said plantation of every description, all the stock of every kind, Viz, Horses , Cattle, sheep,Hoggs, and poultry. Together with the following negroes. Viz, Kize, Sarah, Sam, Lett, (said Lett now lent to my son Hugh BOWLES, Easter, Daniel, Charles, Milly, Nicea?, Synthia, Julian, Willis, & Charity for her use and support, and after her death or intermarriage with any other person to be disposed of as follows. Viz, Item, I give unto my daughter Elizabeth THOMAS after the decease of my said wife Hanna BOWLES, my clock and case together with whatsoever I have already given her to her heirs, and assignees forever. Item, After the decease or intermarriage of my said wife Hannah BOWLES, I give unto my two sons, Jesse BOWLES and Hughs BOWLES the whole reversion of my tract of land on which I now live which I have lent unto my wife Hannah with the reserve hereafterto be made, said tract of land containing two hundred and fifty acres to be divided by running a line from north to south so as to give each of my said sons Jesse and Hughes one hundred and twenty five acres and leavingthe houses and garden in the east end of the land, which said east end ofthe land I give unto my son Jesse, and the west end unto my son Hughes, making no account for the houses, garden or orchard. Given to them, and their heirs and assignees forever. Item. I have already given or lent my son David BOWLES one negro girl named Delia who has now got a living child, which two negroes I consider his proportion of all my negro property but leave it optional in my said son David to put said Delia and her present and future increase into the general stock of negroes at the death of my said wife H.BOWLES and take one equal division as hereafter named, or to keep said Delia and her increase as his full proportion of all my negroes. In case my said son David chooses to bring said Delia and her present and future increase and putting them with the balance of my negroes, Viz, Kize, Sarah, Sam, Lett, Easter, Daniel, Charles, Milly, Nicea, Synthia, Julian, Willis, and Charity, and the above mentioned Delia and her child Jane, with all their future increase. Then my will is that after the death or intermarriage of my said wife Hannah with any other person, all the above named negroes and all their future increase, be divided into five equal lotts, to be made equal as hereafter directed and not be sold at all but be given as follows. Item .I give and bequeath one lott of the said negroes to my son David, if they divide as above in five lotts, but should he keep Delia and her present and future increases as his proportion of the said negroes, then and in that case the balance of said negroes, Viz, Kize, Sarah, Sam, Lett, Easter,Daniel, Charles, Milly, Nicea, Synthia, Julian, Willis, and Charity with all their future increase to be put into four equal divisions as afore said and given as follows, Viz, Item, One equal lott of the above negroes I give and bequeath to my son Stephen BOWLES and his heirs and assignees forever. Item, one other equal lott of the above negroes I give and bequeath unto my son Robert BOWLES and his heirs and assignees forever. Item, I lend the use of one other equal lott of said negroes to my daughter Sarah A .TURPIN during her natural life, but in case she shall have an heir or heirs of her body begotten then and in that case,I give said division of the above negroes to her and her heir or heirs, but should my daughter not leave such living heir or heirs of her body begotten, then and in that case said division of said negroes so lent unto my said daughter Sarah TURPIN to return to those of my children, Viz,Stephen or Robert BOWLES or their heirs and Mourning SANDUSKY and her heirs to be equally divided among them and David BOWLES and his heirs. Item, I lend one equal lott of said negroes to the use of my daughter Mourning SANDUSKY during her natural life and after her decease, I give the whole of the said division of negroes and all their future increase to my said daughter Mourning SANDUSKYS three children, Viz, Sally, Betsy and Isaac SANDUSKY or the survivors of them or their heirs begotten of their bodies share and share alike to them & their heirs forever. Item, Whereas my son Hughes BOWLES is now settled on the west end of the tract of land on which I now live and which is to be his after the death of my wife Hanna, my will is that he keep quiet and peaceable possession of his house and that part of the plantation which he now occupies and free access to wood for firing and timber for the use of plantation. My wish is that my son Jesse continues on the plantation and manage for his mother my said wife Hannah, but should they disagree, then my will is that my said son Jesse should his possession where he now lives, and have laid off to him his full proportion of the tillable land, pastures, meadows and orchard according to the number of hands worked on the place and hold quiet possession of the same until the whole falls to him. Item, after my wife Hannah decease it is my will that the whole household and kitchen furniture, implements of husbandry and stock of every kind with every article of my estate not already disposed of be sold and every lott of the negroes above mentioned, be made equal to the other, out of the money arising out of the said sales by applying the money where there is any deficiency in any one lott, and after each lott of negroes is made equal, then the balance of said money to be divided among all my children share and share alike to them and their heirs & assignees forever. And lastly, I do appoint my three sons, David,Stephen and Hughes BOWLES Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this 29th day of March, 1820, in presence of: a few interlineations made and showed to the witnesses before signed. ?-----? HALL Jr. Tho. LANKFORD Jesse BOWLES Agustine EASTIN From: BEVERLY J BOLES VSPY66A@prodigy.com Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998