DEEDS: Breeden, 1817, Shelby Co SHELBY COUNTY, KENTUCKY DEEDS, Book O, page 219 JOHN ALLEN----AGREEMENT----BREEDINGS Articles of Agreement made and entered into between John Allen of the County of Shelby of the one part and Fanny Breeden James Breeden Henry Breeden and Ballard Breeden of the other part and all of State of Kentucky Witness that all and each of us the said Breedens doth agree that the said John Allen shall have the lot or parcel of land which he purchased of Richard Breeden being a part of Richard Breeden Seniors tract lying on Plumb Creek likewise the said John Allen agrees to have parcel of land laid off in two separate lots and bounded as follows, To begin at a white oak on the bank of Plumb Creek thence south 60 west 29 poles to Buckeye on the bank of Plumb Creek thence north 113 poles to a stake thence south 50 east 40 poles to the beginning likewise the said Allen and Breedens agree that the said Allen shall have the balance of twenty one acres he Bought of Richard Breeden laid off as follows to begin at a large sycamore corner to Tapley Oldham thence east 40 poles to a Hickory white oak and blue Ash corner to John Turnham thence North 71 poles to a Beech Elm and Sugartree West 40 poles to two Beeches and Hickory thence South to the beginning the conditions the foregoing agreement is such that the said Allen is to have no more or less proportionable part that is one heir lot and the said Breedens and Allen bind themselves to abide by the division as if it had been done by law and the rules of Court. Witness whereof we bind ourselves under the penalty five hundred dollars as witness our hands and seals this twenty first day of November 1817 Test James Herron Fanny Breeden (Seal) James A. Wilson James Breeden (Seal) Henry Breeden (Seal) Blan Ballard Breeden (Seal) John Allen (Seal) Shelby County Court Office January 19th 1818 This within agreement was produced to me in my office and was proven to be the act and Deed of James Breeden Henry Breeden Bland Ballard Breeden and John Allen parties thereto by the oath of James Herron whereupon the Same was duly recorded James S. Whitaker Clk Submitted by: Phyllis Hill Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997