From: KyArchives [] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 6:25 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Brown.Campbell.Civilwar.1906.Breckinridge-Anderson-Meade.MILITARY-Other Civil War Pension Deposition Civilwar Co B 27th KY Regiment Breckinridge-Anderson-Meade County KyArchives Military Other Civil War Pension Deposition DEPOSITION “A” Case of Amanda A. Chenault et al, No. 371.688 On this 13 day of November, 1906 at Rockhaven, County of Meade, State of Kentucky before me, A. B. Tarwater a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, personally appeared Amanda A. Chenault, who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogations propounded to her during this special examination of aforesaid claim for pension, deposes and says: I am 37 years of age; my post office address is Rockhaven, Meade Co, Ky R. F. D. No 3. I am an applicant for pension as the child of Campbell Brown, who served as a Corporal in Co B, 27 Ky Inf during the Civil War, but I do not know the dates of his enlistment and dis- charge nor how long he served. I have always understood he never was in the military service of the U. S. except in the organization above mentioned, and he was never in the Naval service. I do not know where my father was born. I think though he was born in Ky. His parents came from Va. He had black hair and eyes and dark complexion. I only know of his personal appearance by hearsay. Do not know his height. My father Campbell Brown died Feby 5, 1870, and I have always been told that the cause of his death was Consumption. He had the measles during the war while he was at Cold Spring, Ky. And they settled on his lungs and he never saw a well day after that until he died. He died near where Garfield post office is now, and is buried at the Garfield graveyard. I do not know whether his grave is marked or not. I have a record of the date of death of my father and of the date of my birth. The record was made I suppose about the time the events recorded happened and is in the handwriting of my mother. Campbell Brown died February 5, 1870, Amanda Alice Brown born January 18, 1869. (The record is on blank leaves in a book entitled “Sermons of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, Third Series” and date of publication appears as 1857. Judging from the appearance of the writing and the ink the records was made years ago. ABT). My father’s first wife was Nancy Horsley. I think he had six children by her. I think the oldest child died. My half brother James W. Brown who lives near Garfield, Ky sent me the names and ages of the children of the first wife. The names and dates of birth of the children as furnished me by him are as follows. James W. Brown born March 24, 1849, Frasier H. Brown born May 9, 1851; Milton C. Brown born Sept 20, 1853; Caloway Brown born Nov 11, 1855; and Georgia A. Brown born March 17, 1858. I wrote the names and dates down just as he furnished them to us, and at the time, which was about 14 years ago. I do not know how he got the dates of birth Don’t know whether he has a family record or not. They are all living except Georgia A. My father’s former wife Nancy died, but I do not know when or where. She has no brothers or sisters living that I know of. I do not know who I can prove her death by. After Nancy died my father married a Whitworth, but I do not know her first name. I have always understood she died, but I do not know when or where, and do not know of anyone I can prove her death by. The Whitworth woman had no children by my father. After she died my father married Martha Adkisson Jan 13, 1868. She was my mother. I was their only child. Four years after father died mother married Oliver Brown in Breckinridge Co, Ky and lived with him until she died July 12, 1886. I was present when she died. I made the record shown you about the time she died (Date appears as stated by claimant in book above mentioned ABT). Mr. Hance Hamilton near Brandenburg, Ky attended her funeral. I was born Jan 18, 1869, at least I have always been taught that was the date of my birth, and have always celebrated that date as the day of my birth. Dr. Frank, I have been told, attended at my birth. He is dead. I was not Christened or Baptized when a child. I think my father was in Louisville, Ky awhile after he was discharged, but I cannot give the name of any person who knew him in Louisville at that time. I think he went then somewhere near Garfield, Ky and lived there until he died. I cannot name anyone except Dr. Warfield, Aaron Norton, Green Payne that would know what my father’s physical condition was from the date of his discharge to the date of his death, or who waited on my father during his last illness or who were present when he died. My brother Calloway Brown ought to be able to give some information as to the cause and duration of my father’s last illness. I left there before I could remember and have never lived there since where my father lived after the war and where he died. My mother’s last husband, Oliver Brown is dead. I married F. O. Chenault March 21, 1888. My husband is still living. My father never had any children by his last or any previous marriage except the ones I have already mentioned. He was never married but three times that I ever knew or heard of. I cannot name any persons who would know that my father was never married but three times and that to the women mentioned. My father has no brothers or sisters living that I know of, and no relatives any where except his children. My mother was never married before she married my father. Her sister, Mary E. Compton and John Gibson who live near Lodiburg(?) Ky would know she was never previously married. I have always understood my father had a cough and disease of lungs from the time he had the measles in the Army, continually until he died, and that the cause of his death was Consumption. I do not care to be present in person or to be represented during this special examination of my claim. Milo B. Stevens & Co. of Washington, D.C. are my attorneys. I think I have made a written contract to pay a fee of $25 if a pension is obtained. I have not paid my attorneys anything. Lemon was my first attorney in Washington, D.C. Mr. C. C. Farleigh(?) of Brandenburg, Ky has been doing my work here. I have not paid him anything. I have heard the foregoing read. Have understood the questions asked me and my answers are correctly recorded. Amanda A. Chenault (signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13 day of November 1906 and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing. A. B. Tarwater, Special Examiner Submitted by: Donna Fritz Additional Comments: This deposition is one of many taken in the attempt of the minor children to obtain pension from their father, Campbell Brown. Original obtained as a copy from the National Archives. This file has been created by a form at