From: KyArchives [] To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Budd.John.1836.Spencer.WILL John Budd December 28, 1836 Spencer County KyArchives Will Source: Spencer Co. Ky Will Book B Written: December 28, 1836 Recorded: May 8, 1837 Spencer Co. KY Will Book B p. 11 In the name of God Amen. I JOHN BUDD of the County of Spencer and State of Kentucky being old and infirm in body but of perfect mind and memory caliing unto mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die do ehreby make my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say: First I will my sould unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it came to be buried with a decent Christian burial in the descretion of my Execuotrs herein after named and as to what worldly goods it hat pleased God to bless me in this life. I will devise and dispose of them in the following manner Towit: 1st I will and desire that all my just debts and funeral Expenses be first paid out of my Estate. 2nd after the payment of any just debts and funeral Expenses I give to my wife ELIZABETH BUDD One Negro man Slave named LEWIS and one negro woman Slave named DORCAS and one third part of the residue of my Estate both real and personal for and during her natural life, and after her decease I give that same to my children herein after mentioned to be divided among them, and to be enjoyed by them forever. And it is my will and desire that in laying off the one third of my Lands herein bequeathed to my wife the same shall be laid off in such manner as to include the mansion house and out houses. 3rd I will and bequeath to my son JOSEPH BUDD the sum of Five Dollars which is to be in full of all I intend to give him of my Estate. 4th I will and bequeath unto my daughter NANCY BUDD the Sum of Five dollars which is to be in full of all I ever intend her to have of my Estate. 5th All the rest of my Estate both real and personal of what nature or kind soever it may be including the devise made to my wife (which she is to hold for and during her natural life are heretofore bequeathed) I desire may be equally divided among my Several children hereafter named Towit: GILBERT, POLLY, DANIEL, WILLIAM PHEBEY, PATSY and HANNAH which I give to them their heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns forever but it is understood that I have heretofore made the following advancements to the following named children Towit: To GILBERT I have advanced him Two hundred dollars, to POLLY I have advanced the sum of One hundred dollars to DANIEL I have advanced the sum of fifty dollars to WILLIAM I have advanced the sum of Fifty Dollars and to PHEBE I have advanced the SUm of fifty dollars. Now it is expressly my will and desire taht before the above named GILBERT, POLLY, DANIEL, WILLIAM & PHEBE shall Come into the distribution of my Estate before devised that they shall bring the respective sums of money before mentioned which they have received by way of advancement with----- and account for the same under the general laws of this State regulating the distribution of intestate Estates. And Lastly I do hereby Constitute and appoint GILBERT BUDD and WILLIAM BAILEY Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revokinga ll others or fomerer wills or Testaments by me heretofore made. In wtiness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Sealt this 28 Dec 1836. (signed) JOHN BUDD In the presence of RALPH LANCASTER JAS. W. BECKHAM DECALOISS (?) MURPHEY Recorded 3 April 1857 Spencer Co. KY... “And on the motion of GILBERT BUDD one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with ROBERT ROBISON, JOHN HOUGH and BENJAMIN STANSBERRY his securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of $6000 Conditional as the law directs... Inventory returned for the estate of JOHN BUDD included: One black man slave named LEWIS $800.00 one black woman slave named DORKA $500.00 Returned 8 May 1837 Spencer Co. KY Courtm Submitted by: Anne Livingston This file has been created by a form at