Doyle.John-Patsy.1875.Fleming.DEED 16 Mar 1850 35A deed Blue Bank Run John & Patsey Doyle grantors Samuel Carpenter grantee Book 29 page 319 This Indenture made this 16th day of March 1850 Between John Doyle and Patsey his wife, and Charles H. Fleming John T. Fleming & George S. Fleming of the first part and Samuel Carpenter of the second part all of Fleming County Kentucky Witnesseth that said parties of the first part for and in consideration of There hundred & twenty five dollars paid to said John Doyle and one Dollar paid to said Flemings receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Said party of the first part hereby Sell and convey unto said Samuel Carpenter the following described tract of Land lying and being in the County of Fleming on the waters of Blue Bank run a branch of Fox Creek containing Sixty Seven acres & Bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at a Stone in Blue Bank run at Fig.1. then N 160 poles to three small white oaks at fig.(2) then E 12 1/2 poles to a Sugar tree & stone at (3) then N 10 poles to a Stone at (4) then E 22 poles to a Stone at (5) then S. 78 poles to a stone at (6) there E 47 poles to a black ash and hickory at (7) then S 119 poles to a stone in the middle of Blue Bank run then up said run to the Beginning 35 acres and 86 poles of the above tract of land has been conveyed to said John Doyle by Deed from James McCann by Deed of record in the Fleming County Clerks office 12 acres of said land was purchased by said J Doyle of Isaac Donihue, the title to which is in James Stockwell and Said Stockwell is to convey same to said Doyle, and Nineteen acres & 114 poles of said 67 acres has been heretofore recovered by Wm P. Fleming, the father of said Chas M., Jno. T., & Geo., S. Fleming and sold by Said W. P. Fleming in his lifetime to one Joseph Doyle, and by said Joseph Doyle sold to said John Doyle, for which he holds the bond of said Joseph for a Deed (and the title to said 19 acres & 114 poles being in Said Flemings they hereby convey the same to said Carpenter without any recourse on them or their heirs Whatever) To have and to hold said Land & appertenances thereto belonging to Said Samuel Carpenter his heirs and assigns forever and Said John Doyle & wife hereby agree to Warrant & Defend the title to said 67 acres of Land to said Samuel Carpenter free from the claim of all persons whatsoever claiming by through or under them; It is expressly understood that said Flemings only convey their intrest in Said Ninteen acres & 114 poles only; & without recourse; In withess whereof the said John Doyle & wife and Charles M. John T. & George S. Fleming have hereunto set their hands and Seals the date above. John Doyle (seal) Patsey X Doyle (seal) her mark Charles M Fleming (seal) Geo. S. Fleming (seal) John T. Fleming (seal) I hereby release & convey to said Sam'l Carpenter all the Intrest I acquire in the above described land by mortgage said Doyle executed to me on the 12th Sept 1840 the debt for which it was Mortgaged having been fully satisfied April 29th 1850 John J. Moore I James Stockwell hereby release to Samuel J. Carpenter, all the intrest I have in the 12 acres of land named in the foregoing Deed (provided) I have not heretofore conveyed it to Ezekiel Hinton Warranting the same to said Carpenter against myself and heirs but not against any othr person or persons whatever given under my hand & seal this 11th day of May 1850 James Stockwell (Seal) State of Kentucky Fleming County Sct I William T. Dudley clerk of the court for the county aforesaid certify that this deed from John Doyle & Patsey Doyle his wife & others to Samuel Carpenter was on the 25th day of March 1850 produced before one and acnowledged by John T. Fleming to be his act & Deed and on the 12th day of April 1850 the said deed was acknowledged by George S. Fleming to be his act and deed & on the 16th day of April 1850 said deed was acknowledged by Chas M Fleming to be his act & deed and on the 27th day of April 1850 was acknowledged by John Doyle to be his act & deed an on the 27th day of April 1850 said Patsey Doyle being by me examined privily & apart from her said husband declared that she did freely & willingly seal & deliver said writings & wished not to retract it and acknowledgded said writing again shown & explained to her to be her act & deed and consented that the same might be recorded and on the 29th day of April 1850 John Moore acknowledged the release to which his name is subscribed to be his act and deed and on this day James Stockwell acknowledged the release to which his name is subscribed to be his act & deed and said deed with said releases & this certificate is duly recorded in my office & Given under my hand this 11th day of May 1850 Wm. T. Dudley Clk Submitted by: Charlotte Doyle Smith Date: 17 May 1997