Gorin.James.Edward.1896.Barren.OBIT Barren County KyArchives Obituaries.....James Edward Gorin May 1896 Submitted by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 Glasgow (KY) Weekly Times, 13 May 1896. "Mr. J. E. Gorin Dead. Mr. J. E. Gorin, of Louisville, dropped dead on the platform of Ducker's Station, Woodford county, Saturday morning of last week. The news of his death will be received with sincerest sorrow all through this section, and especially in Glasgow where he was born and reared. In the best sense of the word, Mr. Gorin was a most excellent man and gentleman. Quiet, modest and thoroughly unassuming, his real worth was most highly appreciated by those who knew him best. In business affairs he was recognized as a man whose word was his bond, while in the home-circle no husband or father was ever more tender, more loving, more devoted and truer than he. For many years he had been the manager of the Farmers' Tobacco Warehouse, and built up and retained a trade worth a fortune to his house. He was popular with all who knew him, and numberless friends all over the State will deeply mourn his loss. In his early manhood, Mr. Gorin was married to Miss Mary Rogers, eldest daughter of Mrs. Olivia Rogers, of this place, who, with five children, survives him. The Courier-Journal, of Sunday last, contains the following notice of his death: "Mr. James E. Gorin, the well-known tobacco warehouseman of this city, died suddenly yesterday morning at 11 o'clock ot Ducker's Woodford county. Mr. Gorin had a severe attack of the grip last January, and was only able to visit his office at the Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse about a month ago. He recognized that he had not completely recovered from his late illness, however, and thought a visit to his daughter, Mrs. John W. Davis, at Ducker's would do him good. Accordingly he went there a week ago last Friday, accompanied by his wife. Frequent letters from him to his children here reported him to be improving rapidly, and his family were much encouraged. In his last letter to his children he said he had been fishing. He rode from the residence of his daughter to the station every day and get his mail, and to all appearances he would in a short time be able to return home, completely cured. "Yesterday morning, Mr. Gorin accompanied his son-in-law to the station to see him off to Lexington. Mr. Davis had just boarded the train when Mr. Gorin fell to the ground and expired at once. The cause of death was heart disease, super induced by his recent illness. Mr. Davis at once telegraphed the sad news to Mr.Gorin's family who live at 112 Second Street. "The remains will be brought to Louisville to-night on C. & O. train. The funeral will take place Monday morning at eleven o'clock from the late residence. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Charles O. Jones. The funeral will be private. "Mr. Gorin was one of the finest men on the tobacco breaks in this city. Those who knew him speak of him in the higest terms. He was ane xemplary man in every particular. He was born in Glasgow, Ky., in 1835, when he was educated. He succeeded his father in the dry goods business, having been a member of the firm of Gorin and Bryan. He came to Louisville in 1870 and engaged in the tobacco business as a buyer. When John H. Page and H. C. Pulliam organized the Faremrs' Tobacco Warehouse, under the firm name of John H. Page and Co., Mr. Gorin was a member of the company. In 1880 the company sold out to the Farmer's Warehouse Company, and Mr. Gorin became the manager. Up to the time of Mr. Gorin's last and fatal illness he did niss two successive days attending to his duties. He was always on hand, and was as regular as clock work. He affiliated with the Methodist church when a boy, and had always lived in the faith. His wife and five children survive him. The children are: Mrs. John W. Davis, of Woodford county; Miss Ellen Gorin, Miss Olive Gorin, Henry Gorin, and Louis Gorin. "The following are the active pall-bearers; . H. Wuklop, R. M. Lewis, Capt. Norris, Charles Bridges, W. H. Murphy, E. T. Girard, Q D Vaughn and W N Little. The honorary pall-bearers are: James Clark, J S Phelps, Otho Graves, Henry Glover, Abner Harris, Edward White, L M Rice, Presley Meguiar, J P Vaughan, J J Bethel, H Q Ginter and Charles Garth. Additional Comments: Note: James Edward Gorin was the son of Thomas Jefferson and Mary Ann Bowman Gorin. He is buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/