From: KyArchives [] Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:25 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Green.Sidney.1830.Washington.BIOS Sidney Green May 1830 - Washington County KyArchives Biography Author: Kentucky Genealogy and Biography, Volume V, 4th edition, 1886 SIDNEY GREEN was born in May, 1830, being the tenth in a family of twelve children born to James and Mary (Taylor) Green. William Green was his paternal and Leonard Taylor his maternal grandfather; the latter was also one of the pioneer settlers of this State, and a very extensive farmer and salve owner for his time. James Green was born in Virginia and was almost grown before the family had left that State. He was married in 1810, and in 1835 became a resident of Washington County, and continued to live there until his death, February 11, 1869. He was a true and consistent member of the Baptist Church, and died a devout believer in its hopes. Sidney Green was born in Madison County, but reared in Washington County, where he now resides. He remained with his parents until he attained the age of thirty years, receiving a good English education. In October, 1860, he was married to Miss Kate Kimberlin, by whom he is the father of eight children: Lina (wife of Samuel Moore of Sherman, Tex.), Clifton, Mamie, Lilly, James, Sidney, Kate and William. Mr. Green has always made farming his vocation, and has been very successful. In politics he has always been an ardent Democrat, and was honored with a nomination and election to the office of sheriff of Washington County, for two terms. Submitted by: Sandi Gorin This file has been created by a form at