Greenawalt.Lewis.1818.Hardin.Estate No idea where this same from. It was sent to me a few years ago. It has pages 83-86 on it, no other identification to tell where it was from, other than in Hardin County, KY. Agreeable to an order of the County Clerk of HARDIN COUNTY appointing us to settle with Jacob GREENAWALT, administrator of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, have this day examined the receipts and accounts and find them as follows herewith filled Nathan HARRIS, one of the Legatees $ C --------- Receipt No. 1 for No. 1 32 62 1/2 John KNOX 3 same No. 2, 3, & 4 32 97 1/2 Martin HARDIN recipet No. 5 50 James GRAYHAM do No. 6 1 00 John FENLEY do No. 7 1 00 Aaron TERRY do No. 8 1 00 Robert MILLER Sheriff do No. 9 4 00 George RAINCAGER do No. 10 9 72 John HATFIELD 3 one of the heirs No. 11, 12, & 13 28 62 Joseph GREENWALT No. 14 22 50 Anthony GREENAWALT No. 15 30 50 Luke GREENAWALT No. 16 35 00 John GREENAWALT No. 17 22 50 David GREENAWALT No. 18 22 50 John WILSON No. 19 50 Collectors Receipts No. 20 3 12 1/2 2 Clerks fee bills No . 21 & 22 3 74 Fee Bills lodged in the Clerks office in Hardin County by Robert MCLURE 21 94 Eave GREENAWALT, widow of Lewis, dec'd, her third part 40 50 To Eidock INGRAM for settling with Adm'r one day 1 00 George HELM for settling with Adm'r one day 1 00 Jacob GREENAWALT for his services settling and attending to the Estate 13 days @ $1 13 99 We the undersigned do certify that the above and foregoing settlement was made by us this 13th day of December, 1817. Zaddack INGRAM George HELM No. 1st rec't Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT thirty two dollars and sixty two and a half cents of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd. Rec'd by me Test, Jacob GREENAWALT Eli BROWN Nathaniel HARRIS No. 2nd Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT six dollars and one quarter of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, January 13th, 1817. Received by me, John KNOX No. 3rd Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT twenty one and half dollars of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, January 13th, 1817. Received by me, John KNOX No. 4th October teh 23rd 1817. Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT five dollars twelve and a half cents in part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd by me. John KNOX Gd Hon No.5th, Feby 29th 1816, Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT three shillings the balance due me for attendance at the suit of his father & Carson. Martin HARDIN No. 6th January 2nd 1816. Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT oen dollars. Given under my hand, James GRAHAM, one of hte praisers. Test, Moses HART No. 7 January 3rd, 1815. Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT oen dollar for being crier at Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd. John FENLEY No. 8 April 6th, 1816,Then rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT one dollar for attending to the appraisment of the estate. Aaron TERRY No. 9 8th April, 1816. Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT and Eve GREENAWALT four dollars the full amt of an execution myself against the said GREENAWALT. R. MILLER Sudwich GREENAWALT to George RENTBARGER Dr. nine dollars four shillings and four pence. I do hereby certify that Isaac RENTBARGEN personally appeared before me and made oath that he believed the above to be just account. Given under my hand May the 5th 1816. Aaron TERRY J. P. H. C. Rec'd 17th of May 1816. Nine dollars four shillings and four pence o the within account. Test, George RENBERGEN George HELM Jacob GREENAWALT paid me I HATFIELD, two dollars out of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, 1817 deceased. Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT twenty one and a half dollars of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, deceased. Given under my hand the 6th day of January, 1817 Teste, John HATFIELD Eli BROWN Rec'd of Jacob GREENAWALT five dollars and twelve cents and a half of the estate fo Lewis GREENAWALT, ded'd. July 1817 Test, John HATFIELD Eli BROWN I do hereby certify taht I have rec'd y full part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, it being twenty two dollars and fifty cents by the hand of Jacob GREENAWALT. Test, His mark Thomas HAYS (X) Joseph GREENAWALT I do hereby certify taht I have received my full part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, it being thirty dollars and fifty cents by the hand of Jacob GREENAWALT. Teste, His mark Thomas HAYS (X) Anthony GREENAWALT I do hereby certify taht I have received my full part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, it being thirty five dollars by hand of Jacob GREENAWALT. Test, His Mark Thomas HAYS (X) Luke GREENAWALT I do hereby certify taht I have received my full part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, it being twenty two dollars and fifty cents by by hand of Jacob GREENAWALT. Test, His Mark Thomas HAYS (X) John GREENAWALT I do hereby certify taht I have received my full part of the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd, it being twenty two dollars and fifty cents by by hand of Jacob GREENAWALT. Test, His Mark Thomas HAYS (X) David GREENAWALT I do hereby certify taht I received fifty cents of Jacob GREENAWALT for one days writing and settling with the heirs. John WILSON Received this 17 day of May, 1816, from Lewis GREENAWALT heirs the sum of three dollars and twelve cents for the direct tax of 1815 upon the property of Lewis GREENAWALT heirs in the County of Hardin in the tenth collection district of Kentucky. Dollars 3.12cts James BAIRD Deputy Collector for Hardin County in the Tenth Collecion district of Kentucky Jacob GREENAWALT & Eve GREENAWALT, administarators and administratrix of Lewis GREENAWALT, deceased, to the Clerk of Hardin Dr. $C ------- March 1816 filing notice reg MILLER 10 1/2 10 1/2 Certificate 25 docketting 8 attorney 8 41 Order to lay over 25 order to lay over motioin 25 50 Continuance vs CARSON on seiro facias 25 June order to receive vc CARSON 25 Judgement 18 43 taxing costs 18 filing papers 18 36 Execution vs CARSON 33 August same 33 66 Execution vs Same 33 33 ------- $3 04 1/2 Attest, Ben HELM Sept'r 1816 Lewis GREENAWALT, George HELM & Rebecca, his wife, James LARUE & Phebe,his wife, to the clerk of Hardin Dr. $ C ------- Judgment for cost of continuance ads Dictry 18 18 tracing costs 18 Nov'r execution 33 51 ------- $ 69 Eve GREENAWALT rec'd at the day of sale forty dollars and fifty cents. AT a county Court began and held for Hardin County at the Court House in Elizabethtown on Monday the 12 day of January, 1818. The within Settlement with the estate of Lewis GREENAWALT, dec'd together with the vouchers returned, was produced in Court and ordered to record. Whereupon I have truly recorded the same. Atteste, Samuel HAYCRAFT Jr. Contributed by: Maria & Tim Troutman Date: 02 Jun 1997