Humphrey.Merritt.Revwar.1834.Oldham.MILITARY-PensionFrom: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:25 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Humphrey.Merritt.Revwar.1834.Oldham.MILITARY-Pension Revolutionary War Application Revwar Oldham County KyArchives Military Pension Revolutionary War Application State of Kentucky Oldham County On the 21st day of February 1834 personally appeared in open court before the Judge of Oldham Circuit Court now setting, Merit Umphrey aged 74 years who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832. This declarent states that he was residing in Louisa County State of Virginia when he entered the Service of the United States and served as herein state that in the month of April in the year 1779 a draft was ordered in Louisa County for two months when he the Merit Umphry was drafted for two months and was marched from said county of Louisa under the command of Capt. George Lumsdon, Major Blan and Coln. Frances Taylor to the Albemarle Barracks on arriving at said Barrack he States that he was stationed as a guard at said Barracks over some prisoners that had been taken from Burgoyne by General Gates he states that during his said two months for which he had been drafted that he did fully faithfully and to the satisfaction of the officers guard said prisoners until his time was out when he was discharged verbally by him said Capt. Lumsdon in the month of June 1779. He further states that some time in the fall of the year in the month of October as well as he now remembers he was ordered in said County of Louisa for a term of two months under which draft a Thomas Rus/Rees was drafted he being unwilling to leave home proposed to said declarent to substitute in his place and Serve out his two months accordingly for a Certain Consideration he the said Merit Umphrey agreed to substitute in the place and stead of the aforesaid Rees and ____ him two months for which the said Rees had been drafted. he states that he had his name involved (?) in the place of said rees and was marched from said county of Louisa to the Albemarle Barracks under the command of Capt. James Watson and was there stationed as a guard over said prisoners and was under the command of Major Blan and Col. Frances Taylor he states that during his two months that he discharged his duty as a soldier and was discharged by said Capt. James Watson Some time in the month of December 1779. This declarent further states that during the year of 1780 that he was ordered from Louisa to Fluvanna County and in the month of January 1781 a draft was ordered in said County of Fluvanna for three months when he the said Merit Umphrey was drafted for three months and marched from said county of Fluvanna under the command of Capt. Samuel Richardson and Major Bagsdell to Hanover Court house there to Williamsburg thence to Jamestown thence to Yorktown thence to Hampton where he states they was stationed until his said three months expired when he was discharged by his said Richardson in the month of April 1781. He further states that in the month of August 1781 another draft was ordered in said County of Fluvanna when he the said declarent was drafted for two months and marched under the Command of Capt. Richard Knapper, Mager Bagsdell and Coln. Ennis from said County of Fluvanna to Gloucester point thence they was marched to old Whitings old Fields after ____sometime at Whitings Old Field he states they were marched back to Gloucester point where he states that he remained until his two months were out when he was discharged on the first of October 1781 he states that he has no documentary evidence of his service and knows of no living witness by whom he can prove the facts above stated he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency in any State. Sworn to and subscribed this the twenty first day of February 1834 Answers to the ____ Interrogations put by the Judges… I was born in Louisa County State of Virginia in the year 1759 and I have a record of my age as left by my Father and when I first enlisted in the service I was living in Louisa County VA and when I entered the last two tours I was living in Fluvanna VA and after the revolution I lived in Fluvana until the year of 1785 I then moved to Woodford County Ky where I lived nine years and then I moved to Shelby where I lived five years. I then moved to Jefferson County Ky where I lived about 6 years and then moved to my present neighborhood which I have lived for upwards thirty years. I was drafted three terms into the Service and I was ____ tour a substitute for Thomas Rus/Rees while I was at the Barracks ____ no regular officers on my third and Fourth Tours there General Lafayette, Gen. Wayne and Coln. Lee and I never received a written discharge for any term But was always honourably discharged by my ______ Captains and I will state the name of Zelick Meguin /Mequin and Pleasant Sadler who can testify to my character for veracity and their belief of my service as a soldier. Dated 17 Feb 1834 in Oldham County State of Kentucky Henry County On this 5th day of April one thousand Eight Hundred and fifty five Personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace within and for the County and State aforesaid Mary Humphrey aged 75 years a Resident of the County of Oldham in the State of Kentucky who being duly sworn according to Law declares that she is the widow of Merritt Humphrey Deceased who was a soldier and a private in the war of the Revolution that she now Receives a pension at the rate of sixty dollars per annum under the act of Congress passed on 3rd day of February 1853 that her certificate of Pension is dated 21st day of October 1853 that she Refers you to her declaration and the accompanying papers now on file in the pension office provin her to be the Legal wife of the said Merrit Humphrey she further states that she was married to the said Merrit Humphrey in Oldham County in the state of Kentucky in the year 1802 by one William Miller (?) a Baptist Preacher and that her name before her said marriage was Mary Crim and that her said Husband died in Oldham County in the State of Kentucky on the 8th day of December 1840 and that she is now a widow at the executing of this declaration. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty Land to which she may be entitled under an act as proved March 3rd 1853. She also declares that she has never Received or applied for Bounty Land under this or any other act of Congress or made other application therefore except the above stated. Mr. Lewis Humphrey and James B. Humphrey residents of Oldham County in the State of Kentucky upon our oaths declare the foregoing declaration and acknowledged by Mary Humphrey in our presence and that we believe from the appearances and statements of the applicant that she is the identical person she Represents herself to be. Submitted by: Anne Livingston This file has been created by a form at