From: KyArchives [] Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:22 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Judge.Lile.T.Jacks.1930.Madison.HISTORY-Letters Judge Lile T. Jacks February 26, 1930 Madison County KyArchives History Letters A letter dated Feby 26, 1930 at Hotel Graystone, 66 Geary St, San Francisco, Calif from Bontwell Dunlap who writes for his first cousin Judge Lile T. Jacks of San Francisco says: The Judge is a great grandson of Richard Jacks who was born in 1772, but they do not know where, their first knowledge of him being as a resident of Madison Co, KY (Make slip to go there & see what can be traced). In 1817, he went to Missouri. They have recently recd from a very old member of the family that he was the first Jacks who came over the sea. (If this be true, it eliminates him & he is none of ours) The one who gives this statement is very old & his memory is not good & we do not know whether to accept it or not, but say it is traditional. He reports as finding in census of 1790? New Hampshire, Martha & Nancy Jacks, Rhode Island, Nathan Jacques, Conn, Robert Jacques, Maryland, Denton, Lancelot & Thomas Jacques, New York, William Jacques, Virginia, William H. Jacques, Penna Allen & James Jacks Lancaster Co. He says Richard was a prominent pioneer & he says the early settlers in Madison Co, KY were mostly from Maryland & Virginia & they incline to the belief that Richard springs from the Frederick Co, Md family. Mr Dunlap's former letter dated Jany 8, 1920 says: Judge Jacks is of the Superior Court & is son of Richard Jacks, a pioneer Calif miner & mine owner who was son of Elias B. Jacks (& Polly Warden) Indian Trader & large landholder in Kansas & Missouri, who was son of Richard Jacks, born in 1772 above noted, of whom they have definite trace in Madison Co, Ky in 1797, where a son Thomas was born (perhaps Richard was son of the 1790 Thomas in Md census) Richard joined the Col Daniel Boone colony to Howard Co, Missouri in 1817 & became a pioneer of Clay Co, Mo in 1821. In 1835, he selected choice claims in the Platte Purchase & after the Indians removed, settled on them in 1837. He married Sophia, daughter of Eli Barnes. His son Benjamin Jacks was the first white child born in Platte Co. Richard died in 1841. Submitted by: Lynn Beatty Additional Comments: Extracted from Josiah V. Thompson Journals This file has been created by a form at