Best.Josiah-Johnston.(admrs.).Benjamin.1805.Hardin.DEEDFrom: KyArchives [] To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Best.Josiah-Johnston.(admrs.).Benjamin.1805.Hardin.DEED Josiah Best - Benjamin Johnston (admrs.) March 16, 1805 Hardin County KyArchives Deed Written: March 16, 1805 Recorded: July 22, 1805 Hardin Co., Deed Bk C, p 77, 78 JOHNSTON; BEST; FUNK; LUCAS; EDWARDS This Indenture made this 16th day of March in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred and five By and Between Mary JOHNSTON and Benjamin JOHNSTON Administrators of Benjamin JOHNSTON Deceased Both of Hardin County and State of Kentucky of the one part, And Josiah BEST of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that said Mary JOHNSTON and Benjamin JOHNSTON for and In consideration of the sum of five hundred Dollars to them in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Hath Granted Bargained and Sold and doth by these presents confirm unto the sd Josiah BEST his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land containing one hundred and thirty Eight & half acres Situate lying and Being in Hardin County on Nolin and bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at two sugar trees and Beech on the bank of the North side of sd Creek near an old Buffaloe crossing running thence North ten Degrees East one hundred and Ninety six poles to a stake in the Barrens thence South seventy one West one hundred and fifty eight poles to a stake in Henry FUNKS line thence with his line south fourteen East forty six poles to two white oaks and Black oak thence south forty four west fifty eight poles to a white oak on the Bank of Nolin thence up the Creek with the meanders to the Beginning - To have and to hold the sd tract of land with all its appurtenances unto the sd Josiah BEST his heirs and assigns to the only use and benefit of him the sd Josiah BEST his heirs and assigns forever, and the aforesaid Mary JOHNSTON and Benjamin JOHNSTON for themselves their heirs Executors and administrators do warrant and forever defend the aforesd tract of Land with all its appurtenances unto him the sd Josiah BEST his heirs and assigns forever against all and every person or persons whatsoever claiming the same or may hereafter claim it in testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal the day and year above written Test Mary JOHNSTON [seal] Henry FUNK Abram LUCAS Benjamin JOHNSTON [seal] David FUNK Hardin County Sct I Elisha EDWARDS Deputy Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do certify that the within Indenture of bargain and Sale was this day fully proven by the oaths of Henry FUNK Daniel FUNK and Abram LUCAS to be the act and Deed of the within named Mary JOHNSTON & Benjamin JOHNSTON and I have truly recorded the same in the County Court aforesaid this 22nd day of July 1805 E. EDWARDS Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor Submitted by: Patricia O’Connor This file has been created by a form at