From: KyArchives [] Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 5:33 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Larue.Thomas.1821.Warren-Simpson-Larue.BIOS Thomas Larue April 12, 1821 - Warren-Simpson-Larue County KyArchives Biography Author: W. H. Perrin - History of Kentucky THOMAS B. LARUE, M.D., one of the leading physicians of Warren Co., KY., and of Huguenot stock, was born April 12,1821 near Hodgensville, LaRue Co., Ky., and is the fourth of three sons and three daughters (of whom three sons and one daughter lived to be grown) born to James and Phebe (LaRue) LaRue, who were born and reared in Virginia and LaRue county, Ky., respecitvely, James Larue, with his parents entered Kentucky and settled in what is now LaRue County, about 1782. In his early life he engaged in mercantile business--first, in Elizabethtown, Hodgensville and Munfordville. When he first entered business he went on horseback to Philadelphia to purchase his goods. He was a large slave holder, and his later life was spent in farming. He died in 1857. The mother of Thomas B. Larue was born in 1788, and was a daughter of John LaRue, who married Mary Brooks. They came to Kentucky about 1782. Thomas B. purchased several thousand acres of land which had been located by Daniel Boone a part of which land is where Louisville now stands. LaRue County was named in his honor. Thomas B. Larue was reared on a farm till ten years of age, when his father located in Hodgensville, and engaged in the tanning business; he also carried on farming. Dr. LaRue was educated in the common schools, and worked with his father at tanning and farming till he was twenty, when he taught school one session; then went to Elizabethtown, where he was engaged as salesman for W.J. LaRue. When but eighteen he commenced the study of medicine. In 1842 he located in Franklin, KY., and commenced the study of law with B.L. Clark, after a short career in a drug store. He pursued the study and practive of law for three years, when he quit law and engaged in mercantile business. After eighteen months' experience he had lost his small fortune, and concluded he was not calculated or fitted for mercantile life, and resumed his medical studies. In 1850 he entered the medical department of the Louisville University, and graduated from the Nashville Medical College in 1852. He then located at Franklin. In 1855 he located near Smith's Grove, Warren County, where he has successfully practiced his profession since. Here he accumulated little by little till he was the prossessor of 400 acres of fine land. In 1877 he sold his land and located in Smith's Grove, where he owns a fine property. In November, 1844, he was united in marriage to Mary E. Finn, a daughter of John and Frances (Bigger) Finn, who were born in Ireland and Logan County, KY., respectively. Dr. LaRue and wife had born to them two children, one living, now Mary E. Shobe. Mrs. LaRue died in April, 1850, a member of the Baptist Church. In 1853 the Doctor married Sarah A. Shobe, of Warren County, a daughter of Absalom and Jane (Dunn) Shobe, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Warren County. Mr. Shobe was born in 1803, and is still living, His wife, Jane (Dunn) Shobe, was born in 1811, and is a daughter of Lewis Dunn, who came from Virginia in the early settlment of Warren County. The Doctor is a member of the Baptist and his wife of the Christian Church. He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1852, and cast his first presidential vote for Henry Clay; since the war he has been a Democrat. Submitted by: Bob Law This file has been created by a form at