From: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:28 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Maddison-to-Sharp.1797.Hardin.DEED William Sharp - Gabriel Maddison January 17, 1797 Hardin County KyArchives Deed Lot in the Town of Hartford Written: January 17, 1797 Recorded: January 24, 1797 Transcription: MADDISON; SHARP; deed Hardin Co. Deed Bk A, pp 250 This Indenture made this seventeenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven Between Gabriel MADDISON of the County of Fayette and state of Kentucky of and William SHARP of the County of Hardin of the other part Witnesseth that the said Gabriel MADDISON for and in consideration _____ of becoming an actual settler in the Town of Hartford? hath bargained and sold to the said William SHARP one half acre Lot Number seventy ____ Bounded by Hirth street on the west Moon street on the ______ Robert P. ALLEN on the south East & Publick grounds on the north East To have and to hold said Lot of ground with all the appur- tenances thereunto belonging to the said William SHARP & his Heirs forever and do agree to Warrant and defend the same from any person or persons Lawfully Claiming or any part thereof to the ony proper use and behoof of him the said William SHARP and his Heirs forever _____ _____ the said Gabriel MADISON hath here unto set his hand and affixed his seal t he day and year above written Harrison TAYLOR Ato in fact for Gariel MADDISON [seal] At a County held for Hardin County on Tuesday the 24 day of January 1797 the foregoing deed was acknowledged and ordered to be Recorded Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor p-oconnor@att. net Submitted by: Patricia O'Connor p-oconnor@att. net This file has been created by a form at