To: KYF Subject: Marshall.John.1809.Woodford.WILL John Marshall March 25 1809 Woodford County KyArchives Will Source: Woodford County Kentucky Court House Written: March 25 1809 Recorded: October 1810 John Marshall Will—Woodford County, Kentucky Will Book C P. 283 In the name and mercy of God Amen, I John Marshall of the County of Woodford and state of Kentucky considering that I am well advanced in years and finding myself at this time of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this present writing my last will and testament, that is to say after recommending my soul to the bounteous reception of an heavenly redeemer. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Whittington for and during her natural life and on her death to her children (by her present husband) then living and the heirs of them forever to be equally divided the following: Negro Slaves (to wit) Nan—Hannah—Obed—and Nanny and the increase of the females of them. Next I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth January for and during her natural life and on her death to her children (by her present husband) then living and their heirs forever the following Negro slaves (to wit) Jerry and Betty and her increase. Next I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Marshall and her heirs forever one Negro woman slave named Celia and her children Maria, Robin, and Cillar and the future increase of them also, one sorrel mare and her increase and one feather bed and furniture. Next I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Marshall and her heirs forever one Negro woman slave named Sarah and her children Daniel and Julia and her future increase of Sarah, also one bay mare and her increase and one feather bed and furniture and lastly I do constitute and appoint my sons, Thomas Marshall, Humphrey Marshall, and James Marshall and the survivor of them my executors, but any one of them qualifying should the others or either of them not qualify shall have the power of the whole. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal and do publish this my last will and testament this 25 day of March 1809. John Marshall. Test: William Vawter, Maria Vawter, Virginia Vawter. Woodford County SCT October Court 1810 This the last will and testament of John Marshall, dec. was produced in court proven by the oaths of William Vawter, Maria Vawter, and Virginia Vawter, the subscribing witnesses there to and ordered to record whereupon Humphrey Marshall, one of the executors therein named came into court, took the oaths prescribed by law and entered into bond with Lewis Marshall his security in the penalty of three thousand dollars—conditioned according to Law, probate is granted him in due form of Law with leave for other executors to be qualified. Teste: John McKinney Jr. Submitted by: Martha Martin This file has been created by a form at