From: KyArchives [] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:23 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Martin.Sidney.1846.Estill.BIOS Sidney Martin November 1, 1846 - unknown Estill County KyArchives Biography Author: History of Atchison County, Kansas, by Sheffield Ingalls - 1916 A publication of this nature exercises its most important function when it take cognizance of the life and labors of those citizens who attained prominence and prosperity through their own well directed efforts and who were of material value in furthering the advancement and development of the commonwealth. Sidney Martin came to Atchison County in 1856 when a boy of eleven. He endured the hardships common to the resident of Kansas previous to and during the Civil War period. He made several trips between Atchison and Denver was a freighter; drove over some 400 miles of country infested with Indians and narrowly escaped death at their hands. He bought the first section of and that was sold in the Kickapoo reservation and became one of the most successful farmers and stock breeders in northeastern Kansas. He was actively identified with the development of this section of the state and attained prominence and influence as a citizen. Sidney Martin was a native of Kentucky, born in Estill County on November 1, 1946, a son of Jackson H. and Polly (WALTERS) Martin. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were among the first to settle in the Virginia colony, coming from England in 1607. His father, Jackson H. Martin, best known to the residents of Atchison County as "Uncle Jack" Martin, was also a Kentuckian, born in Estill County on January 15, 1812, a son of Robert and Mary (HARRIS) Martin, both of whom were natives of Virginia. Robert Martin served in the War of 1812 and was a commissioned officer. The epaulets from his uniform were in the possession of the family until a few years ago. Subsequent to this service he removed to Kentucky and was one of Daniel BOONE's companions and was with him during many Indian fights. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Estill County. Submitted by: Sandi Gorin Additional Comments: I have no connection and no further information. Sandi This file has been created by a form at