McDowell vs. McDowell, deposition, Troutman - Bullitt Co Ellen MCDOWELL admr vs. Woodford MCDOWELL goln Bullitt Circuit Court Decrees 302, 306 (page 527) Deposition of H.F. TROUTMAN (no date given) Q. by Wood MCDOWELL. What is your age and where do you reside. Are you acquainted with Woodford MCDOWELL. Did you know J.B. MCDOWELL if yes, for how many years before his death. Were you much with him. Were you acquainted with his habits as to economy or extravagence. A. I am 25 year old; live in Shepherdsville. I am acquainted with Woodford MCDOWELL. I knew J. B. MCDOWELL, was well acquainted with him for four years before his death. I knew him prior to that time. I was often with him. I was with him nearly every day for about two years. I considered him very extravagant so far as money matters were concerned. Q. If you know of J. B. MCDOWELL's indebtedness to the deft Woodford MCDOWELL, his father, state what you may know or heard J.B. MCDOWELL say in regart thereto: State if you know of deft. Letting him have money on different occasions. A. I have heard J.B. MCDOWELL say he was indebted to his father but don't remember to have heard him say what amount. I have heard him say he owed the old man a great deal more than he ever expected to pay him. I saw Woodford MCDOWELL give John B. MCDOWELL money twice --$100 on one occasion and $100 on another. Q. State where and with whom J.B. MCDOWELL lived from your first knowledge of him up to a short time before his death. A. He lived with his father out here on his farm. Q. Was he or not liberally supplied by his said father with money and everything else he wanted. A. He was so far as I know. Q. Did he or not use whatever he wanted off of said farm and when ever he wanted it. A. He did up to a short time before he married. Q. Will you examine paper her shown you, purporting to be a note of J.B. MCDOWELL to Woodford MCDOWELL for one hundred dollars. State in whose hand write said note is. A. I have examined said note and take it to be John B. MCDOWELL's handwrite, and make a copy of it, a part of my deposition and mark it H.F.T. Q. Was or not J.B. MCDOWELL for some years before his death very hard run and borrowing money. Was or not Wood MCDOWELL during the same time perfectly good and solvent. A. Jno B. MCDOWELL ws borrowing money, as I said before; Wodford MCDOWELL was good at that time Q. If you know of J. B. MCDOWELL's gambling for some years before his death state what you may know about it. A. I saw him gamble very little. Q. Will you make suit of J. B. MCDOWELL's Exe on his creditors part of your deposition. A. I make it part of my deposition. Q. Was the note you make copy of part of this deposition given for the $100 you say he got of his father. A. I did not se the note given. Q. Was the money gotten abuot the time of the date of that note Nov. 1867 R. The $150.00 was in 1867 when he and I were buying stock. The $200 was given Jno B. MCDOWELL during the sitting of the Legislature while John was on a visit here at home. I think it was the winter when his father gave him the $100.00 By Same. You state that J.B. MCDOWELL lived with his father from your first knowledge of him up to short time before his death. Now did or not said MCDOWELL during all that time manage and attend to the business of his father. A. Yes. He was attending to the business of the old man during that time. By same. Was the old man during that time or most of it, capable of attending to his business. A. About three years of that time I did not think he was. By same. You say that Woodford MCDOWELL was good. Now is it not true that since your first acquaintance with him, it has been next to impossible to get him to settle with anyone. State all you know in this regard. A. At times whenever he was drinking he would not settle. I made two or three settlements with during that time. By same. Had you not great trouble in getting him to make each of the settlements you had with him. Is it not generally reputed of him that he will not settle up his accounts with anyone without being pressed and dogged to do so. A. Yes sir, I had great trouble to obtain said settlements. I believe it is generally reputed of him that he will not settle up his accounts without a great deal of trouble By same. State if you know the year when J. B. MCDOWELL first commenced farming for himself. On whose land did he commence. If on rented land, of whom did he rent. A. I think Jno B. MCDOWELL commenced farming for himself in the fall of 1867. He commenced farming on a piece of land he claimed as his own and on a part of his father's farm. It was my undestanding that John rented it of his father said part of W. MCDOWELL's farm. By Wood MCDOWELL. While J. B. MCDOWELL lived with his father wasn't he carrying on business for himself. A. Yes sir. By same. Didn't he use his father's farm and stock all the time he carried on business for himself whenever he wanted to do so. A. He used the stock. I saw him use the stock frequently. By same .. Wasn't he trading in stock and using the grass land of MCDOWELL for grazing them. A. He was. By Same. State whether or not you held the note of Wood MCDOWELL which in some business transaction between you and John you wanted John to take. State his, John's reasons for declining to take said note. A. No. In a settlement between J.B. MCDOWELL and my father. My father owed J.B. MCDOWELL $100.00 and wanted Jno. B. McD to take it to Wood MCDOWELL. Jno B. MCDOWELL refused to take it and stated he needed the money and he was owing his father and if he took that he would not get any money but the old man would give credit. H.F. TROUTMAN Sworn to and subscribed by H.F. TROUTMAN before me this 13th Oct. 1869 ect.. From: Maria Troutman Date: 26 Jan 1998