DEED: Troutman, 1800 - Bullitt Co Photocopied from The Filson Club, (mss/m138b v.5 page 62) Large Deed Book A Bullitt Circuit Court P. 150 March 27, 1800 Between Patrick MCGEE of Nelson County of the one part and Michael TROUTMAN of Bullitt Co. Of the other. MCGEEs.... in consideration of 150L current money of KY.. sell to TROUTMAN... a certain track of land .. in Bullitt Co. And bounded as follows: Beginning at a Spanish oak and dogwood standing on the bank of Salt River it being Benjamin POPE’s upper corner of the river, thence with said POPE’s line S23E 252 poles to a beec in Richard SIMMONS’ line, thence N67E 231 poles to two beeches, corner to Richard SIMMONS’s land, thence N23W 360 poles to a white oak and beech and sugar tree standing on the bank of Salt River, thence down the river with the meanders there of to the beginning, containing 450 acres... more or less, it being a part of the settlement and preemption of Henry TILLEN, etc... From: Maria Troutman Date: 25 Jan 1998