From: KyArchives [] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 9:16 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-to-Crawford.1850.Boyle.DEED Samuel Crawford - James H. McGinnis August 14 1850 Boyle County KyArchives Deed Written: August 14 1850 Recorded: August 14 1850 Deed Book 3, page 404 Whereas I James H. McGinnis of Boyle Co Kentucky am indebted to & owe Saml Crawford of the Same State & County as follows To wit - A Note assigned to him by Finley McGinnis for one Hundred & seventy one dollars and four cents due February 1st 1851, another note for one Hundred & seventy one dollars & four cents due February 1st 1852 another note for one Hundred & seventy one dollars four cents due February 1st 1853 another note for Eighteen Hundred And Eighty One dollars 52 cents due February 1st 1854 all four of which notes are dated first of February 1850 and duly executed & owing by me. Now to Secure Sd Crawford in the payment of Said several notes I for the further consideration of one dollar paid down I hereby bargain with a lien and convey to said Crawford the place on which I reside in Boyle County containing by estimation one hundred & Sixty five acres more or less being the place recently by me of Isaac Chaplin and which was sold to Chaplin by Dred Bolling by deed of record in the Mercer County Court Clerks Office and to which reference is made to have & to hold Said farm to him the Said Crawford & his heirs in fee simple forever the condition however of this obligation is this If I well & truly pay off and discharge Said Notes as they severally fall due then this obligation to be void else to be and continue in full force & virtue as a valid mortgage. Witness my hand & Seal this 14th Aug 1850. James H. McGinnis (Seal) State of Kentucky) Boyle County )Sct. I Jno. B. Nichols Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed of mortgage from James H. McGinnis to Samuel Crawford was this day produced to me in my office and acknowledged by the sd James H. McGinnis to be his Act & deed. Whereupon I admitted Sd deed together [crossed out] of mortgage together with this Certificate duly to record in my office. Given under my hand this 14th day of August 1850. Jno. B. Nichols Clk Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at