From: KyArchives [] Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 10:53 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-to-Owens.1859.Boyle.DEED Frances Owens - James T. McGinnis June 20 1859 Boyle County KyArchives Deed Written: June 20 1859 Recorded: September 10 1860 Deed Book 7, page 447 For and in consideration of Sixty-five Dollars to us in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, We Jas. T. McGinnis & Hannah McGinnis his wife of Boyle County Kentucky have this day bargained & sold and do hereby bargain sell alien & convey unto Frances Owens wife of J. F. Owens of Boyle County Ky all our right title & interest in, and to our portion of the estate of Mary McGinnis Dec'd who was one of the children & heirs of Washington McGinnis Dec'd, and also the share in the estate of said Mary McGinnis, which was conveyed to Jas McGinnis by W. H. McGinnis and his wife Nancy McGinnis by deed dated 8th day of November 1858. This Deed does not include the interest in the Dower portion of the estate of said Washington McGinnis, which was owned by said Mary McGinnis Dec'd, but is intended to convey the portion we are entitled to in said Mary McGinnis' estate & the portion heretofore conveyed to Jas. McGinnis in said Mary's estate afsd. all excepting his share in the Dower as afsd. To have and to hold unto the said Frances Owens and her heirs forever the said interest above mentioned. And we we will forever warrant and defend the title to the afsd. interest to her the said Frances McGinnis [should be Owens] & her heirs forever against the claims of all persons. Witness our hands this the 20th day of June 1859. James T. McGinis Hannah McGinis (her X mark) Att. Jas F. Zimmerman State of Kentucky Boyle County Sct. I Jas F. Zimmerman Clerk of the Boyle County Court do certify that the foregoing Deed from Jas. T. McGinnis & wife to Frances Owens was on this 20th day of June 1859 produced to me in my office and acknowledged in due form of law by J. T. McGinnis and Hannah McGinnis his wife to be their act and deed. And the same with this certificate hath been duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 11th day of September 1860. Jas. F. Zimmerman Clk Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at