From: KyArchives [] Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:43 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-to-Penney.1860.Boyle.DEED L. L. Penney - Et al McGinnis February 8 1860 Boyle County KyArchives Deed Written: February 8 1860 Recorded: September 19 1860 Deed Book 7, page 454 This Indenture made this ___ day of Feby 1860 between Margaret B. McGinnis, Smith McGinnis, William H. McGinnis, John McGinnis, Benjamine McGinnis and Margaret F. McGinnis of the county of Boyle and State of Kentucky of the first part by C. H. May their commissioner appointed by the Boyle Circuit Court in the Equity suit of James H. McGinnis administrators against his creditors &c and L. L. Penney of the county and State aforesaid of the second part. (Witnesseth) That for and in consideration of the sum of six Thousand nine Hundred and and Forty five 12/100 Dollars in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged The party of the first party by their comr. aforesaid hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the party of the second part One tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Boyle and State of Kentucky on Quirks Run, Containing by estimation One Hundred and Ninety Six acres, be the same more or less. And bounded as follows, Beginning at a stone corner to Wm. Owens, and running thence with his line S88W 118[?] poles to a stone corner to same, Thence N1/2W 5-1/2 poles to a stone corner to F. McGinnis, Thence with his line west 140 poles to a stake corner to same in G. Proctors line, Thence North 123-11/100 poles to a stake corner to the Dower land, Thence N87E 225-1/4 poles to a stone corner to same in Joshua Owens on the East side of the creek, Thence up said creek on the same side with Owens line S18-3/4E 8-13/100 poles to a stone corner to same, Thence across the creek S62W 5-44/100 poles to a stake near the bluff on the side of the creek, Thence up the same side S16E 11-58/100 poles to a stone corner to Joshua Owens, Thence S48-1/2E 31-88/100 poles to a stake, Thence across to the east side of the creek S71-1/2E 2-64/100 poles to a stone corner to W. L. Tarkenton, Thence with his line S1/2E 87 poles to the Beginning, To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part and his heirs and assigns forever, except the family Grave yard and the Liberty Hall lot which is excluded in this Deed. In testimony whereof the parties by their commissioner aforesaid hath hereto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written. C. H. May Comr. Boyle Circuit Court I M. T. Chrisman Clerk of the Boyle Circuit Court do certify that this Deed from W. H. McGinnis &c by C. H. May Comr of the Boyle Circuit Court to L. L. Penny was on this 8th day of February 1860 presented and acknowledged in open court by said Commissioner, to be his act & deed. And the same having been examined by the Court, was approved & confirmed and is endorsed by the Judge, and ordered to be transmitted properly certified to the Clerk of Boyle County Court for record, which is now done. Given under my hand this 17th Sept 1860. M. T. Chrisman C.B.C.C. State of Kentucky) Boyle County ) Sct. I Jas. F. Zimmerman Clerk of the Boyle County Court do certify that the foregoing Deed from J. H. McGinnis heirs by Comr to L. L. Penny, with the certificate thereon endorsed was on the 17th day of September 1860 produced to me in my office and filed for record. And the same with the certificate thereon endorsed and this certificate hath been duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 19th day of September 1860. Jas. F. Zimmerman Clk Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at