From: KyArchives [] Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 10:46 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-to-Speake.1828.Mercer.DEED Lee M. Speaks - Samuel McGinnis December 6 1828 Mercer County KyArchives Deed Written: December 6 1828 Recorded: June 1 1829 Book 15, page 478 This Indenture made this 6th day of Dec'r A.D. 1828 between Samuel McGinnis Jr and Peggy his wife of the County of Mercer and State of Kentucky of the one part and Lee M. Speake of the County and State afs'd of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Samuel McGinnis, Jr and Peggy his wife for and in consideration of the Sum of Seven hundred Dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained & Sold and by these Presents doth bargain Sell alien and convey unto the said Lee M. Speake and his Heirs forever One Certain tract of Parcel of land Situate lying and being in the county afs'd on the waters of Chaplin Containing One hundred Acres and bounded as follows, Beginning at a white Oak in Mason Owens line, thence with Said line N58E 101 poles to a cherry and hornbeam trees Corner to Isaac Savier thence with his line N1W 170 poles to a Small bush Corner to Savier in Benjamin Durhams line thence S85W 84 poles to a Stone in Royal Hankleys line, thence S1E 118 poles to a Stone between two beech trees; thence N85E 7 poles to a large beech; thence S10-1/2W 96 poles to a honey locust in the lane near the branch; thence S71E 6-3/4 poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the afs'd tract or Parcel of land with all its appurtenances to the only proper use & behoof of him the said Lee M. Speake and his Heirs forever And the said Samuel McGinnis Jr & Peggy his wife for themselves their Heirs Executors and Admin'rs doth hereby by covenant with the said Lee M. Speake forever to warrant and defend the land & Premises hereby Conveyed against the Claim or Claims of all & every Other Person or Persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof the said Samuel Mcginnis & Peggy his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this day and date above written. Samuel McGinnis (Seal) Margaret McGinnis (Seal) Witness J. P. Mitchell S. Ewing Mercer County Sct. This day Margaret McGinnis wife of Samuel McGinnis and a party to the within deed of bargain and Sale Personally appeared before the Undersigned two of the Commonwealth Justices of the Peace in and for said County and being examined Seperate and apart from her husband hath of her own accord Voluntarily relinquished her right of Dower in and to the tract of land conveyed by the written deed of bargain & Sale & consented that the same should be made of record. Given under our hands & Seals as Justices afs'd this 6th day of Dec'r A.D. 1828. J. P. Mitchell (Seal) S. Ewing (Seal) Mercer County Sct. June 1st 1829 The foregoing Indenture was this day produced to me in my office and Proved to be the act and deed of Samuel McGinnis a party thereto by the Oaths of J. P. Mitchell and Samuel Ewing two Subscribing Witnesses thereto whereupon I have made the Same of record. Attest Tho. Allin C.C. Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at