From: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 9:12 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-to-Talbott.1867.Boyle.DEED Maria E. Talbott - Rebecca Ann McGinnis April 6 1867 Boyle County KyArchives Deed Written: April 6 1867 Recorded: April 6 1867 Book 10, page 4 This indenture made and intered into this 6th day of April 1867 by and between Rebecca Ann McGinnis of the county of Boyle and state of Kentucky of the one part and Maria E. Talbott wife of the other part ["the other part" crossed out] A. G. Talbott of the County afs'd of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Rebecca Ann McGinnis for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred dollars to her in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged has bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien and convey to the said Maria E. Talbott and her assigns forever for her own seperate use all the following described tract or parcel of land to wit one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Boyle county and state afs'd on the waters of Quirks Run adjoining the land of the Widow ???? W. Cecil and others and bounded as Follows to wit. Beginning at a stone corner to lot 2 in a deed of partition made by Commissioners appointed by the Boyle County Court in the case of McGinnis & heirs ["& heirs" crossed out] against McGinnis & heirs and of record in deed book N7 page 120 thence with owens line N1/2E 10- 14/100 poles to a stone corner to lot No. 4 thence with said line S89:50W 138 poles to a stone corner to same thence S1/2E 10-14/100 poles to a stone corner to said lot No. 2 thence N89.50E 138 poles to a stone corner in Owens line to the beginning containing 8-3/4 acres it being the same lot of said described in said deed partition as lot No. 3 and conveyed to said Rebecca An McGinnis as one of the heirs and representatives of her Father William McGinnis deed reference is here made to said deed and the said Rebeca Ann McGinnis has bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain sell alien and convey to the said Maria E. Talbott and her assigns forever all for the above named consideration of Eight hundred Dollars to her in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged all her right title and interest in said to the lands allotted to her Mother Rachel A. McGinnis as Dower in the lands of William McGinnis Decased the said Rebecca Ann McGinnis being one of the heirs of the said William McGinnis Decd to have and to hold to her the said Maria E. Talbott wife of A. B. Talbott Sr and her assigns forever for her own seperate use and benefit free from the control of her husband or liability for his debts all the said tract or parcel of land together with all the improvements and appertenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the said Rebecca Ann McGinnis hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said Maria E. Talbott to warrent and defend the title to all the lands hereby sold and conveyed good? to the said Maria E. Talbott and her assigns forever against themself? her heirs and any and all others persons or persons claiming the same. In witness whereof the said Rebecca Ann Mcginnis has here to subscribed her name this day and date above written. Rebecca Ann McGinnis State of Kentucky) Boyle County Sct ) I Jon'a. B. Nichols Clerk of the Boyle County Court do certify that the foregoing deed duly stamped as required by act of congress was this day acknowledged by in due form of Law ["in due form of Law" crossed out] Rebecca A. McGinnis to be her act and deed and the same hath been duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 6 day of April 1867. Jon'a. B. Nichols Clerk Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at