From: KyArchives [] Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 9:55 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: McGinnis-toCox.1852.Mercer.DEED Et al Cox - Thomas P. McGinnis September 14 1852 Mercer County KyArchives Deed Written: September 14 1852 Recorded: September 14 1852 Book 28, page 144 This Indenture made the 14th day of Sept 1852 between Thomas P. McGinnis of the county of Mercer & com'w'th of Kentucky of the first part & Garland Cox & Chas. J. Cox of the county & com'w'th afs'd of the 2nd part, witnesseth that the party of the 1st part for & in consideration of the sum of $1500 Dollars of which Six hundred is in hand paid & the notes of the sd. parties of the second part taken for 900 as follows, to wit, $300 Dollars on the 15th of Sept 1853, three hundred on the 15th of Sept 1854 and 300 on the 15th of Sept 1855 hath this day bargained & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain & sell of the said parties of the 2nd part a certain tract & parcel of land situated & being inthe county of Mercer on the watters of Cheese lick waters [crossed out] Creek & bounded as follows to wit, beginning at two white oaks & a box elder thence N55W 258-2/5 poles to three beach trees thence S13W 136 poles to to three beach trees on the S. Side of a small drain thence S62E 228 poles to an ash, popler & Elm tree on west bank of Cheese lick creek thence sd. creek with its meanders N15-1/2E 41-1/2 poles N12-1/2W 43 poles to a stone corner to william Morris thence N26-3/4E 27 poles to the beginning containing 158 acres be the same more or less. Together will & singular the appertinances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have & to hold unto them the sd. parties of the Second part their Heirs & assigns forever, & the said party of the first part for himself his heirs executors & administrators the aforesaid tract of land & appertinances unto the parties of the second part his heirs & assigns doth & will forever warrant & defend by these presents. In testimony whereof the sd. party of the first part together Martha McGinnis who hereby relinquishes her right of Dower to the land conveyed by this deed have hereunto [the last line is cut off at the bottom of the microfilmed page] Kentucky Mercer County Sct We J. B. Roach and J. P. Munday two of the commonwealth Justices of the peace for sd. county do certify that Martha A. McGinnis the wife of the within named Thos. P. McGinnis this day personally appeared before us who being examined privily & apart from her sd. husband as the law directs Voluntarily with her own free will & consent relinquished her right of Dower to the land conveyed by this deed & the same is certified to the clerk of the county court of Mercer County for record where the premises lie. Given under our hands this 14th day of Sept 1852. J. B. Roach J.P.M.C. G. P. Munday J.P.M.C. Mercer County Sct, Sept 14th 1852 This deed was this day produced to me in my office & acknowledged by Thomas P. McGinnis a party thereto to be his act & deed where upon I have made the same of record with the above Certificate. Attest. Tho. Allin C.C. Submitted by: Linda Deppner Additional Comments: This file has been created by a form at