From: KyArchives [] Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:19 PM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Meyer-to-McGinnis.1869.Boyle.DEED Rachel A. McGinnis - J. M. Meyer December 9 1869 Boyle County KyArchives Deed Written: December 9 1869 Recorded: April 18 1874 Book 12, page 623 Boyle Co Ky Dec 9th 1869 In consideration of the sum of Eighteen hundred dollars paid in the exchange of real estate, we J. M. Meyer and Mary R. Meyer his wife have this day bargained and sold, and herewith alien and convey to Rachel A. McGinnis, both parties being of Boyle Co Ky, the property known as The Rock House, and its appurtenances, containing about seven acres, be the same more or less, situated on the waters of Salt River, and bounded as follows, on the North east by A. M. Taylor's farm, South by the Danville and Perryville pike and West by T. D. Knox's farm. The said Meyer and wife bind themselves and their heirs to warrant and defend the title to said property against all claims forever. Possession to be given the 1st of January 1870. Given under our hands this day and date above written. J. M. Meyer M. R. Meyer State of Kentucky) Boyle County ) Sct. I, J. B. Nichols Clerk Boyle County Court do certify that this deed from J. M. Meyer and M. R. Meyer, his wife was this day produced to me in my office by said parties and was by the said Meyer and wife acknowledged to be their act and deed and ordered to be recorded which is now done. Given under my hand this 18th April 1874. [no signature here] Submitted by: Linda Deppner This file has been created by a form at