From: KyArchives [] Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:25 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Miller.Luther.J.1856.Warren.BIOS Luther J. Miller July 8, 1856 - Warren County KyArchives Biography Author: Kentucky Genealogy and Biography, Volume V, 3rd edition, 1886 LUTHER J. MILLER, son of William C. And Elizabeth C. (Cruise) Miller), was born July 8 1856, in Warren County, and is the youngest of two sons and two daughters; the daughters are now deceased. He was reared on a farm, and in September, 1876, married Anna E. Hines, a daughter of Paul B. And Ann A. (Stones) Hines, natives of Warren County. Mr. Miller located where he now resides in 1873, five miles north of Bowling Green, on 250 acres belonging to his mother, and which he has improved with fine buildings, etc. He is engaged in breeding stock - Short-horn cattle, Berkshire hogs, Cotswold and Southdown sheep, Denmark and Waxey saddle horses. In politics he is a Democrat. Submitted by: Sandi Gorin This file has been created by a form at