From: KyArchives [] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 7:21 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Miller.Milton.M.1811.Clark.BIOS Milton M. Miller December 23, 1811 - May 5, 1872 Clark County KyArchives Biography Author: Clark Co, Ohio History by W H Beers 1881 MILTON M. MILLER (deceased), farmer and local minister; P. O. New Moorefield; born in Kentucky Dec. 23, 1811 ; was a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Hanson) Miller, he a native of Virginia and she of Maryland. They became residents of Clark Co. in the spring of 1812, locating upon the farm now owned by Abraham Mumper, and here they resided till their death. He died Oct. 18, 1834; his wife died in August, 1857. They were parents of six children, and he had three by first marriage. Two only now survive Mary (now Widow Banes), and Maria (now widow of Samuel Hunter). They were strictly pioneers in this neighborhood, taking their farm right from the woods in its wild state, and enduring all the labors and hardships incident to such life, bringing the forests into fine cultivated fields, with waving grain, and replacing their primitive log cabin with a comfortable frame house, and before their death were able to enjoy the general comforts and conveniences of life, and all accomplished by his own labor and industry. He owned two quarter sections of land, and in connection with his many labors and progress in accumulating property and obtaining the comforts and conveniences of a good farm and home, he was an active Christian worker in the M. E. Church, being a local preacher for many years, and in his death the community lost a kind neighbor and the church a great worker. Our subject being but an infant when his parents moved to this county, was nurtured, raised and grew to maturity inured to the hardships of the early settlers of that day, and lived with his parents till their death. He was married, Nov. 29, 1832, to Mary T., daughter of Samuel T. and Rebecca (Dunlap) Hedges, he a native of Virginia and she of Kentucky; became settlers of Champaign Co. about 1812. They were parents of eleven children ; those now living-Mary T., James, Jane, Elizabeth, Tabatha, Sarah and Samuel. Mary T. was born Sept. 22, 1814. Mr. Miller and wife had ten children, six now living Mary E., Rebecca, Clara L., Robert N., Hattie M. and Milton M. Mr. Miller followed the footsteps of his father in being an industrious, energetic farmer ; also an active Christian and a local preacher in the same church, and thus continued to the end of his life, which was terminated very suddenly. On May 5, 1872, having returned from church feeling wearied, he laid down to rest, and when called by his daughter to dinner, was found dead. This, though a severe stroke and loss to his family, was doubtless his eternal gain. Submitted by: Sandi Gorin This file has been created by a form at