From: KyArchives [] To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Newman.Ezekiel-Newman.Henry.1824.Spencer.DEED Ezekiel Newman - Henry Newman September 25, 1824 Spencer County KyArchives Deed Brashears Creek Written: September 25, 1824 25 Sep 1824 Spencer Co. Deed Book A p. 71 Henry NEWMAN and Fanny his wife of the County of Spencer and State of Kentucky to Ezekiel NEWMAN of the County and State aforesaid... that for and in Consideration of the Sum of nine hundred and fifty Dollars to them in hand paid have granted bargained and sold a certaint tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County of Spencer on a branch of Brashears Creek adjoining the lands of Philip PORTER, Joseph CARRICO and George MELONY part of a 1000 acre Survey in the name of Philip PORTER and Thomas ----. (signed) Henry NEWMAN Fanny NEWMAN Date recorded impossible to read. Submitted by: Anne Livingston This file has been created by a form at