Subject: DEATH CERT: Sister Mary Hysanitha Peters, 1935, Washington Co Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 5:20 PM DEATH CERT: Sister Mary Hysanitha Peters, 1935, Washington Co Submitted by: Teddy DeFord not working on this line, just got it accidently 31878 County Washington Vot pct. St ??? district # 7772 Sex F Color White Single date of birth 1852 age 83 Trade Religious birthplace Chilisaths? OH Father Anton Peters birthplace OH mainden name of mother unknown birthplace unknown informant Sister Roberts address St. Catherine's Burial St CAtherine's Dec 21, 1935 undertaker Geo. I Edenlen? address Springfield KY Filed Dec 27 1935 Elizabeth Lee date of death Dect 24, 1935 I herby certify that I attended the seceased from Dec 20, 1935 to Dec 23 1935 I last saw he alive on Dec 22? 1935 cause of death Hypeandat? contributary causes Pnemonia signed J. B. Hudd M. D. address Springfiled KY ______________________________