To: KYF ( Subject: Proffitt.Preston.J.1951.Montgomery.Military.Korea Korean Conflict Casualty File Korea U S Army Montgomery County KyArchives Military Other Korean Conflict Casualty File Korean Conflict Casualty File Military Service Branch A U S ARMY Country of Casualty KR Korea View Casualty Group A1 HOSTILE - Killed File Reference Number 19832 Name of Casualty PROFFITT PRESTON J Processing Date 7911 Service Number 15230042 Military Grade or Rank SFC Undefined Code Pay Grade E7 Date Died or Declared Dead 510910 09/10/1951 Service Component V Reserve (USAR, USNR, USAFR, USMCR, USCGR) Home of Record-City/Town/County MONTGOMERY Home of Record-State 18 Kentucky Birth Date Year 29 29 Birth Date Month Birth Date Day Cause of Casualty * Undefined Code Air/Non air Casualty * Undefined Code Race C Caucasian Sex M Male Citizenship 1 U. S. Citizen Date Died or Declared Dead 510910 09/10/1951 Last Record Indicator 1 Submitted by: Darrell Warner Additional Comments: I am not connected to this person and have no further information Submitted by Darrell Warner This file has been created by a form at