From: KyArchives [] Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:11 AM To: Ky-Footsteps Subject: Scott.Thomas.Revwar.1832.Henry.MILITARY-Pension Pension Application Of Thomas Scott, Nat’l Archives Series M804, Roll 2106 Application #r9313 Revwar Henry County KyArchives Military Pension Pension Application Of Thomas Scott, Nat’l Archives Series M804, Roll 2106 Application #R9313 State of Kentucky, Jessamine County} On this 17th day of October, 1832, personally appeared in open court before the Circuit Court in Jessamine County, the Honorable William J. Kelly, sole judge of the court now sitting, Thomas Scott, a resident of Henry County, state of Kentucky, aged 79 years next February, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration…: He states that he was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1754. In the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he was enrolled among the Republican militia in North Carolina in the county of Guilford, and immediately after the Declaration of Independence, he was drafted and served a tour of three months under Captain Flack, Colonel Martin commanded the regiment, and General Rutherford the brigade. This was in the year 1776. In 1778, he removed to the county of Washington, it then being the western county in the state of Virginia, where he continued until the close of the war, in the order of what was called the minute men and he was frequently called out to defend the frontier against the Indians on one hand and the Tories of North and South Carolina on the other, so that he was almost constantly in the militia service of the United States. He was in the memorable battle at King’s Mountain under Colonels Campbell and Shelby, and he was then commanded by Captain William Neal and he does not hesitate to say that taking his services as a soldier during the Revolutionary War together, was in the actual service of his country at least 12 months. Signed, Thomas Scott. Henry County, state of Kentucky} On this 6th day of February, 1844, personally appeared before me, James Henson, a justice of the peace for the county of Henry and state aforesaid, Sarah Scott, and who by reason of low health, old age and consequent infirmity, is wholly prevented from appearing in open court, and aged 74 years, she thinks, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration…: That she is the widow of Thomas Scott, who was a soldier in the army of the Revolution, and who served some times therein, and on account of his said services in said army, he received a pension, she thinks under the Act of June 7, 1832, of about forty dollars per annum, and which pension was granted him during his life. She further declares that she cannot state the names of the officers or any particular matter in regard to the services of her said husband, but will here refer to the evidence contained in the papers composing the matter of the application of her said husband for the aforesaid services and the pension granted him. She further declares that her said husband resided in the state of (unknown) when he entered the service, she thinks, and that this is the first time that she has made application for her pay, owing to the fact that no person was found to do it. She states that she has documentary evidence of her marriage with said Thomas Scott, and of her being his widow, which evidence is transmitted herewith. That she was married to said Thomas Scott on the 6th day of October, 1800, that the said Thomas Scott, her husband, died on the 24th day of September, 1834, and that she has remained a widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof herewith sent, and she now believes that she is entitled to a pension on account of the privations, services __ of her said husband, and in that she is poor, having nothing and no estate, living on the charity of friends and therefore respectfully asks her government for a pension or aid, as the nature of her case and the circumstances may require, and that a certificate may issue to her and be enclosed to Edmund P. Thomas of Newcastle, Henry County, State of Kentucky. Sarah Scott, her mark. Thomas Scott was born February 22, 1754 in Pennsylvania. He married Sarah or Sally Ward who was born May, 29, 1769. Submitted by: Nancy Poquette This file has been created by a form at